{ "default_title": "App Studio", "teststring": "You have {{n}} {{things}}", "common": { "description": "Description", "name": "Name", "title": "Title", "save": "Save", "edit": "Edit", "updated": "Updated", "cancel": "Cancel", "picklist_empty_text": "No items selected", "progress_logs": "Progress logs", "not_authorised": "Not Authorised", "invalid_parameters": "Invalid Parameters", "internal_server_error": "Internal Server Error" }, "projects": { "title": "Projects", "overview": "Projects contain Client Apps, Cloud Apps, their related source code and other items related to your Apps", "none": "No Projects Found!", "new_project": "New Project", "import": "Import", "title_name": "Title", "email": "Author Email", "client_apps": "Client Apps", "cloud_apps": "Cloud Apps", "modified": "Last Modified", "cloud": "cloud", "client": "client", "cloud_app": "Cloud App", "app": "App", "new": { "title": "Choose Template", "overview": "Here we'll guide you through creating a brand new Project - we just need a few details.", "choose": "Choose a Template", "choose_help": "Below are a number of Templates to base your Project on - If you're unsure, choose the 'Blank Project' template.", "name": "Name your new Project", "max_retry_reached": "Maximum retries exceeded - please try again", "service_error": "Creation failed - please try again", "deploy_to_label": "Deploy To Environment", "choose_deploy_env_label": "Choose the deployment environment", "deploy_in_progress":"You don't have to wait. \nYou can click on the Finish button now to continue explore your project and check the progress on the deploy page." }, "details": { "copy": "Copy", "title": "App Details", "description": "Here you can access overview information regarding this App", "type": "App Type", "type_desc": "The type of your App", "name_desc": "The name of your App - try to stick with alphanumeric characters", "desc_desc": "A description your App", "id": "App ID", "id_desc": "ID of this App - can be used in FHC", "id_help": "Your App ID is a unique identifer for your App. FHC uses this.", "api_key": "App API Key", "api_key_desc": "API Key of this App", "api_key_help": "Your App API Key is used with your App ID to provide access to your App's Cloud", "git_url": "Git SSH Clone URL", "git_url_desc": "Git URL for the repository associated with this App", "git_url_help": "SSH url to clone your App git repository", "git_branch": "Git Branch/Tag", "git_branch_desc": "Git branch/tag this App is currently configured to use", "git_branch_help": "The branch to checkout from your Git repository e.g. master", "ssh_url": "SSH URL", "ssh_url_desc": "Gain shell access to your application over SSH", "update": "Update Details", "delete": "Delete App", "git_ref_desc": "Currently deployed Git branch/tag", "runtime_desc": "Currently deployed Runtime" }, "preview": { "change_git_error": "Failed to change git branch/tag. Status code :" }, "editor": { "title": "Editor", "update": "Update SDK", "pull": "Git Pull", "preview": "Hide Preview", "file": "File", "new_file": "New File", "new_folder": "New Folder", "save": "Save", "edit": "Edit", "undo": "Undo", "redo": "Redo", "cut": "Cut", "copy": "Copy", "paste": "Paste", "find": "Find", "find_dots": "Find...", "find_next": "Find Next", "find_prev": "Find Previous", "replace": "Replace...", "replace_next": "Replace Next", "replace_prev": "Replace Previous", "replace_all": "Replace All", "change_branch": "Change Branch", "change_branch_message": "Any unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure you wish to change ?", "read_only_title": "Read Only Mode", "read_only_message": "You can only read app files but will not be able to make any changes as the app is checked out with a tag.", "refresh_editor": "Refresh Editor", "refresh_editor_message": "Any unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure you wish to refresh ?" }, "config": { "title": "Config", "description": "The Config section allows users to access App configuration options - most of these are used at Build time", "iphone": "iPhone", "ipad": "iPad", "ios": "iOS", "android": "Android", "blackberry": "BlackBerry", "windows": "Windows Phone", "config": "Configuration", "spinner": "Activity Spinner", "spinner_help": "Specify the position of the spinner which will be appeared when the splash screen is displayed", "hidden": "Hidden", "top": "Top", "center": "Center", "identifier": "Bundle Identifier", "identifier_help": "The iOS App ID you want to use for this app. It can be created in your iOS developer portal.", "hide_splash": "Auto Hide Splash", "hide_splash_help": "If disabled, the splash screen will not hide automatically. You need to call navigator.splashscreen.hide() function to hide it.", "audio": "Background Audio", "audio_help": "Play audio in the background", "flurry_key": "Flurry Application Key", "flurry_key_help": "Flurry key for app analytics tracking", "version": "Version Name", "version_help": "The version number that will be displayed when the app is uploaded to the app store or the market. You need to increase it if you want to update an existing app in the app store or the market.", "rotate": "Auto Rotate", "rotate_help": "Enable or disable auto rotation when the app is running on the device. If it's disabled, the app will always use the orientation you set below.", "hide_status": "Hide Status Bar", "hide_status_help": "Hide or show the status bar on the device when the app is running", "retina_splash": "iphone5 Retina Splash Image", "retina_splash_help": "The splash image for iPhone 5. By providing this splash image, the app will run in full screen mode on iPhone 5. Default value is 'Default-568h@2x.png'. If the file specified can not be found in the app, a default splash image will be provided.", "orientation": "Orientation", "orientation_help": "The orienation of the app when it starts. For android, this will not be applied if auto rotate is enabled.", "debug": "Remote Debug", "debug_help": "Enable remote debugging. In this mode, the app content will be delivered from the cloud instead of being read from the device so that you don't need to re-install the app if any changes are made to the app.", "retina_image": "Retina Splash Image", "retina_image_help": "The splash image for retina display. Will use the value of 'Splash Image' if not specified.", "splash_image": "Splash Image", "splash_image_help": "The path of a portrait image file in the app which will be used to construct a splash screen when the app starts up on the device. Default value is 'Default.png' if not specified. If this file can not be found in the app, a default splash image will be provided.", "ipad_splash": "iPad Landscape Retina Splash Image", "ipad_image": "iPad Retina Splash Image", "landscape_splash": "Landscape Splash Image", "landscape_splash_help": "The path of a landscape image for landscape splash screen on tablet devices.", "portrait": "Portrait", "landscape": "Landscape", "android_package": "Android Package Name", "android_package_help": "The Java package name of the application. Please follow the convention of Java package names. A default unique package name is provided.", "full_screen": "Full Screen", "full_screen_help": "Enable full screen. With this enabled your app will take up the full screen and the notification bar will be hidden.", "permission_audio": "Permission Audio", "permission_audio_help": "Add user permissions to use audio", "permission_camera": "Permission Camera", "permission_camera_help": "Add user permissions to use camera", "permission_contacts": "Permission Contacts", "permission_contacts_help": "Add user permissions to access contacts", "permission_location": "Permission Location", "permission_location_help": "Add user permissions to access location", "permission_read_phone": "Permission Read Phone State", "permission_read_phone_help": "Add user permissions to read phone state", "permission_sms": "Permission Receive SMS", "permission_sms_help": "Add user permissions to read SMS messages", "permission_vibrate": "Permission Vibrate", "permission_vibrate_help": "Add user permissions to vibrate phone", "version_code": "Version Code", "version_code_help": "The internal version number that will be used by the android app market when you publish the app. You need to increase it if you want to update an existing app in the app market.", "foreground_splash": "Foreground Splash Image", "foreground_splash_help": "The path of a image file (relative to the package name) in the app which will be used as the foreground of the splash screen. Different from the splash image, the foreground image will be centered and not scaled.", "splash_color": "Splash Background Color", "splash_color_help": "A hexadecimal value of a color to be used as the background color. Normally used together with the foreground splash image.", "tile_image": "Tile Image", "tile_image_help": "The image that will be used as the background when the app is pinned to the start page" }, "push": { "title": "Push Notifications", "overview": "Here you can setup Push Notifications for your App", "enable_push": "Enable Push Notification", "enable_push_help": "Enable push notification for this app. You need setup your Urban Airship account first to use this function.", "dev_api_key": "Development API Key", "dev_api_key_help": "The Urban Airship application key. For development builds.", "dev_sec_key": "Development Secret Key", "dev_sec_key_help": "The Urban Airship application secret key. For development builds.", "dev_mas_key": "Development Master Secret Key", "dev_mas_key_help": "The Urban Airship application master secret key. For development builds.", "pro_api_key": "Production API Key", "pro_api_key_help": "The Urban Airship application key. For production builds.", "pro_sec_key": "Production Secret Key", "pro_sec_key_help": "The Urban Airship application secret key. For production builds.", "pro_mas_key": "Production Master Secret Key", "pro_mas_key_help": "The Urban Airship application master secret key. For production builds.", "protocol": "Transport Protocal (For Android)", "protocol_help": "Which transport protocal to use when using Urban Airship on Android. See Urban Airship for more details.", "gcm": "GCM API Project Number (For Android)", "gcm_help": "The Google API project number. You can obtain this from Google API Console." }, "binary": { "title": "Build a Binary", "overview": "Here you can build binaries of this App for installation on device", "client": "Client Binary", "platform": "Platform", "platform_help": "Platform you want to produce a Binary for", "git_ref": "Git Branch/Tag", "git_ref_help": "The Git branch/tag you want to produce a Binary for", "git_commit": "Git Commit", "version": "Version", "version_help": "Version of Platform you want to produce a Binary for", "build": "Build Type", "build_help": "The type of Binary you want to build - e.g. Debug or Distribution.", "more": "More info", "options": "Sign Options", "sign_fh": "Sign the binary with the FeedHenry company certificate.", "sign_fh_help": "We have obtained a valid company certificate and the binary will be signed by us. The users' devices will be enrolled into our company account.", "sign_cred": "Sign the binary with the credential bundle I selected.", "sign_cred_help": "You can obtain your own company certificate and select it here.", "dont": "Don't sign the binary", "dont_help": "You don't need to sign the binary if you are going to upload it to the public app store.", "connection": "Cloud App Connection", "history": "Artifact History", "platform": "Platform", "app_version": "App Version", "date": "Date", "type": "Type", "credential": "Credential", "download": "Download", "export": "Export App Source", "export_overview": "The Export section allows the user to download copy a buildable Xcode/Visual Studio/Eclipse project of your App. This is useful if you'd like to build your App locally with your own tools", "no_platforms": "This function is disabled at the moment. Please contact support for more details.", "status": "Status", "inprogress": "In Progress", "success": "Success", "fail": "Error", "build_started_title": "Build Started", "build_started_message": "This may take a while. You can navigate away from this page and come back later to view logs or download binaries.", "build_failed": "Failed to build app.", "view_logs": "View Logs" }, "credentials": { "title": "Credentials", "overview": "Here you can manage Credential Bundles, used for signing Binaries during builds", "android_help_1": "You can build either Debug or Release apps for Android. You can build a Debug app for Android without providing any credentials.", "android_help_2": "To build Release apps, click 'Create New Bundle' to add your credentials.", "android_help_3": "If you have already uploaded credentials through the old App Studio, you can use the 'Migrate Existing Dev Resources' button to migrate them.", "blackberry_help_1": "You can build either signed or unsigned apps for BlackBerry. Unsigned apps don't require any resources and can be installed on the BlackBerry emulators for debug and test. Only signed apps can be installed on an actual BlackBerry device.", "blackberry_help_2": "To build signed apps, you need to apply for BlackBerry code sign keys first. You can go to {{wrapWithATags \"BlackBerry Code Signing Keys\" \"https://developer.blackberry.com/\"}} for more details. After you have your code signing keys generated, you can click 'Create New Bundle' to add your BlackBerry credentials.", "blackberry_help_3": "If you have already uploaded credentials through the old App Studio, you can use the 'Migrate Existing Dev Resources' button to migrate them.", "ios_help_1": "You can build either Developer or Distribution apps for iOS.", "ios_help_2": "To build an iOS app you will need to provide us with your Apple developer credentials, click 'Create New Bundle' to add them now.", "ios_help_3": "If you have already uploaded credentials through the old App Studio, you can use the 'Migrate Existing Dev Resources' button to migrate them.", "windows_help_1": "You can build debug or release Windows Phone app without providing any credentials.", "windows_help_2": "However, if you want to bypass the Windows Phone Store and distribute the apps directly to your users, you need to sign the app with your enterprise certificate. For more details, please checkout the {{wrapWithATags \"Deploying an App on Windows Phone 8\" \"/docs/guides/deploying_apps_on_wp8.html\"}}.", "windows_help_3": "If you would like to build and sign your Windows Phone app with your enterprise certificate, please click on the 'Create New Bundle' button.", "create": "Create New Bundle", "bundles": "Credentials Bundles", "platform": "Platform", "type": "Type", "actions": "Actions", "none": "No Credential Bundles Found.", "download": "Download", "delete": "Delete", "credentials": "Credentials", "migrate": "Migrate Existing Dev Resources", "bundle": "Credentials Bundle", "name": "Bundle Name", "name_help": "A name for your new Credential Bundle", "bundle_all_envs": "By making this Credential Bundle available to all Environments, users with access to this App will be able to use these credentials for building in all environments", "bundle_choice_all": "I want to choose which Environments these Credentials are available for", "bundle_choice_select": "Choose from a list of Environments you wish to make this available for", "cancel": "Cancel", "submit": "Create Bundle", "type": "Type", "release": "Release", "certificate": "Certificate", "more": "More Info", "certificate_help": "It should be a PFX file which contains both the company certificate and its private key.", "aet": "AET File Options", "generate": "Please generate the AET file using the certificate I uploaded.", "generate_help": "The AET file can be generated from the certificate file you uploaded above. If you choose this option, we will generate it for you.", "have": "I have the AET file already and I will upload it.", "have_help": "You can just upload the file if you already have the file generated.", "manage": "No, thanks. I will manage the AET file myself.", "manage_help": "You don't have to provide this file to us. But then you need to distribute the file to your users use other methods.", "password": "Certificate Password", "password_help": "The password of your certificate is required to generate the AET file. We will not store the password.", "debug": "Debug", "distribution": "Distribution", "key": "Private Key", "key_help": "A Private Key is a file whose contents are secret to the owner. During the App building process, the App is digitally signed using this key.", "ios_cert": "Your iOS developer certificate file issued by Apple. You can download this file from your iOS developer portal.", "profile": "Provisioning Profile", "profile_help": "A provisioning profile for a particular App ID downloaded from the iOS developer portal. The type of the provisioning profile should match the type selected above.", "android_key_help": "A Private Key is a file whose contents are secret to the owner. During the App building process, this key is used to digitally sign the App.", "distribution_cert": "A Distribution Certificate is used to build Release Apps for submission to the Android Marketplace. When you submit an App to the Android Marketplace, your certificate is used to identify you as the developer of the App." }, "integrate": { "title": "Integrate", "overview": "Here we'll guide you through integrating your existing Apps with FeedHenry" }, "apps": { "deleted": "App deleted successfully.", "delete_failed": "Failed to delete application.", "deleteDialog": { "title":"Delete this app?", "message": "Are you sure you want to delete this App? Its Git Repository will be removed and if it's a Cloud App, it will be undeployed.", "typeProjectMessage": "Please type in __appName__ app name to confirm operation", "confirmButtonText": "I understand the consequences. Please delete this application" } }, "databrowser": { "migration_failed": "Validation", "validation": { "fields_empty": "You must specify a field name and value to create a filter", "filter_exist": "Filter for \"__key__\" field already exist. ", "invalid_type": "Provided value \"__val__\" is invalid for specified type: \"__type__\"" } }, "apps_cloud": { "title": "Apps, Cloud Apps & Services", "overview": "Below are all Apps, Cloud Code Apps and associated Services in this Project" }, "connections": { "title": "Connections", "description": "Connections define Cloud Apps your Client Apps talk to - below you can manage existing Connections. You can also manually create new Connections for use in Apps which are not managed by the platform (e.g. a native app which you are developing outside of the Platform)", "new": "Create a New Connection", "new_connection": "New Connection", "new_desc": "There can occasionally be instances where you want to manually create a Connection for use in your Client Apps - like when you are developing Native Apps outside of the platform for instance. You can create Connections for these apps below (and manage/reconfigure them later).", "client_app": "Client App", "create": "Create Connection", "select": "Select Cloud App", "select_help": "Pick which Cloud App you would like this Binary to talk to", "tag": "Connection Tag", "edit": "Edit Tag", "tag_help": "Connection Tags must be in Semantic Version format, e.g. 0.0.1. See: {{wrapWithATags \"http://semver.org\" \"http://semver.org\"}}", "reconfigure": "Reconfigure Connection", "reconfigure_help": "It can sometimes be useful to reconfigure an already Built Binary to point to a different Cloud App. You can re-configure Connections as often as you like - Cloud Connections are refreshed by Apps whenever they start.", "warning_title": "Warning!", "warning": "Be careful when reconfiguring Cloud Connections - the last thing you want to do is break an Client App by pointing it at an incompatible Cloud App.", "current": "Current Connection", "choose_from": "To choose a new Connected Cloud App for this Binary, choose from the list below:", "cancel": "Cancel", "save_update": "Save and Update Connection", "disable": "Disable Connection", "disable_help": "It can sometimes be useful to disable connectivity to a Cloud App from your App Clients - like when a new App is deployed, and you require users to update. You can disable a Binary's connection here - and you can optionally provide some text to be displayed to users starting Apps with severed connections.", "disable_warning": "Be careful when disabling Cloud Connections - the last thing you want to do is break a Client App by disabling its Cloud App.", "status_text": "Disabled Status Text", "platform": "Platform", "type": "Build Type", "status": "Status", "actions": "Actions" }, "quickstart": { "title": "Git Quickstart", "description": "This guide will show you how to get access to your App Clients and Clouds source code on your __key__ using {{wrapWithStrongTags \"Git\"}}", "more_info": "More info about Git", "info": "To access your App's source code, you're going to need to download and install Git. The link below will bring you to Git's website where you can download and install Git for your particular operating system - it's also filled with great information as to how you can use Git to manage source code.", "download": "Download Git (via git-scm.com)" }, "resources": { "title": "Resources", "overview": "Here you can access summary statistics for a project running across environments" }, "lifecycle": { "title": "Lifecycle Management", "overview": "Here you can see an overview of all your Cloud App deployments and App Binary Builds for all Environments" }, "forms": { "title": "Forms & Theme", "theme": "Project Theme", "theme_help": "Changing the theme will update the preview automatically", "forms": "Forms", "forms_help": "Click a form to preview it. Click × to delete it from this project.", "save": "Save", "designer": "Forms Designer", "designer_help": "Forms and themes are created from the Forms Designer screen", "config_forms": "Configure Forms", "config_themes": "Configure Themes", "advanced_config": "Advanced Project Configuration", "camera": "Camera Settings", "quality": "Quality", "target_height": "Target Height", "target_width": "Target Width", "submission": "Submission", "retries": "Max Retries", "timeout": "Timeout", "min": "Min. Sent Items To Save", "max": "Max. Sent Items To Save", "client_logging": "Client Logging", "enabled": "Logging Enabled", "level": "Logging Level", "limit": "Log Limit", "email": "Log Email", "debug": "Debug Mode Enabled", "users": "Admin Users", "cloud_logging": "Cloud Logging", "logging_enabled": "Logging Enabled", "last_deployed": "Last Deployed:", "deployed_by": "Deployed By:", "submissions": "Submissions", "submissionsToday": "Submission Today", "submissionsTotal": "Total Submissions", "submissionStorage": "Submission Storage", "promote": "Promote", "undeploy":"Undeploy", "deploy":"Deploy", "remove":"Remove", "redeploy":"Redeploy", "storage":"Storage:", "preview":"Preview", "live_edit":"Edit", "copy":"Copy", "deployed_none": "None", "deploy_button": "Deploy Now", "deploy_title": "This Form has not been deployed to this Environment", "deploy_description": "The {{wrapWithStrongTags \"deploy\"}} function deploys your {{wrapWithStrongTags \"current core form\"}} to this environment
If you wish to deploy a version from {{wrapWithStrongTags \"another environment\"}},
use the {{wrapWithStrongTags \"Promote\"}} feature of that environment instead", "confirm_copy": "Confirm Copy", "confirm_copy_message": "Are you sure you want the Form deployed to the __environment__ Environment to be the master copy? This action will overwrite the current master copy. Any undeployed changes will be lost.", "confirm_cancel": "Confirm Cancel", "confirm_cancel_message": "Are you sure you want to cancel? Your changes will be lost.", "confirm_copy_ok": "Copy", "confirm_copy_cancel": "Cancel", "confirm_promotion": "Confirm Promotion", "confirm_promotion_message": "Are you sure you want to promote the Form from the __envfrom__ Environment to the __envto__ Environment? Any Live-Edited changes made will be lost.", "confirm_promotion_ok": "Promote To __envto__", "confirm_removal": "Confirm Removal", "confirm_removal_message": "Are you sure you want to remove the Form from the __environment__ Environment? Projects associated with this Form will no longer be able to use the form in the __environment__ Environment. WARNING: All Submission Data associated with this form will be removed from the __environment__ Environment.", "confirm_removal_ok": "Remove", "confirm_redeploy": "Confirm Re-Deploy", "confirm_redeploy_message": "Are you sure you want to re-deploy the Master Form to the __environment__ Environment? Any Live-Edited changes made to the form in the __environment__ Environment will be lost.", "confirm_redeploy_ok": "Re-Deploy", "confirm_undeploy": "Confirm Undeploy", "confirm_undeploy_message": "Are you sure you want to undeply the Form from the __environment__ Environment? Projects associated with this Form will no longer be able to use the form in the __environment__ Environment.", "confirm_undeploy_ok": "Undeploy" }, "reporting": { "title": "Reporting", "overview": "Here you can access a high level graphical representation of analytical information for both Client and Cloud Apps in this Project" }, "settings": { "title": "Settings", "overview": "Here you can view this Project's ID and rename or delete this Project", "id": "Project ID", "delete": "Delete this project", "delete_help": "Once you delete a project, there is {{wrapWithStrongTags \"NO\"}} going back. {{wrapWithStrongTags \"ALL\"}} Git repositories, Client Apps and Cloud Apps for this project will be removed, and apps associated with this project will stop working!", "rename": "Rename project", "rename_help": "Would you like to Rename the project?", "deleteDialog":{ "title":"Delete this project?", "message": "Are you absolutely sure? All Git repositories, Client Apps and Cloud Apps for this project will be removed.", "typeProjectMessage": "Please type in __projectName__ project name to confirm operation", "warning": "Warning! This action cannot be reversed. All applications associated with this project will stop working!", "confirmButtonText": "I understand the consequences. Please delete this project" } }, "subnav": { "apps": "Apps, Cloud Apps & Services", "connections": "Connections", "quickstart": "Git Quickstart", "resources": "Resources", "deployments": "Deployments", "forms": "Forms", "reporting": "Reporting", "settings": "Settings", "lifecycle": "Lifecycle" }, "navbar": { "details": "Details", "docs": "Docs", "editor": "Editor", "analytics": "Analytics", "nodejs": "Node.js Modules", "env_vars": "Environment Variables", "browser": "Data Browser", "deploy": "Deploy", "stats": "Stats", "notifications": "Notifications", "logs": "Logs", "endpoints": "Endpoints", "config": "Config", "push": "Push", "build": "Build", "export": "Export", "credentials": "Credentials", "integrate": "Integrate", "preview": "Preview" } }, "analytics": { "heading": "App Analytics", "title": "Aggregated Analytics", "title_description": "Aggregated Analytics provides a high level cumulative view of all the reports in your Domain, e.g. total number of Device Installs & App Startups", "description": "The Analytics section provides access to a graphical representation of App usage statistics", "range": "Range", "client": "Client", "cloud": "Cloud", "installs": "Installs", "startups": "Startups", "cloud_requests": "Cloud Requests", "active_users": "Active Users", "overview": "Overview", "date": "By Date", "platform": "By Platform", "location": "By Location", "sample": "Sample Data", "sample_description": "The data below is sample data.", "domain": "Domain Totals", "per_project": "Per Project Analytics", "per_project_description": "Reports such as Device Installs for an App & Cloud Requests can be viewed for each project over a specified date range", "view": "View Details", "device_title": "Device Installs", "device_description_1": "A Device Install is tracked the first time an App starts up on a new device and makes a call back to the cloud. Note that Device Installs differ from User Installs as tracked by App Stores in the following ways:", "device_description_2": "App Stores count an install as a user account performing a download - regardless of how many devices the user installs the app on. ", "device_description_3": "App stores typically report daily figures in PST time zone, while we report in UTC.", "device_description_4": "An app must be started up at least once with a valid internet connection before we track the app install. We track the install as having happened at the time of the first startup, not the time of download.", "app_title": "App Startups", "app_description_1": "An App startup is tracked every time a previously seen device has an App start and make a call back to the cloud.", "app_description_2": "Note that app startups are only tracked for apps starting up 'from cold' - i.e. if an app which is running in the background is brought to the foreground, this is not tracked as an 'App Startup'.", "cloud_title": "Cloud Requests", "cloud_description": "A Cloud Request is tracked each time an App Client makes a request (using $fh.act) to the App Cloud.", "active_title": "Active Users", "active_description": "An Active User is tracked as one or more requests (via $fh.act) made from a unique app on a unique device in a 24 hour period (midnight to midnight GMT)." }, "resources": { "title": "Cloud Resources", "description": "Various resources for your Cloud Environments can be viewed and graphed here e.g. App CPU Usage, Environment Cache Size", "running": "Running", "resources": "Resources", "apps": "Apps", "cache": "Cache", "all": "All Apps", "start": "Start", "restart": "Restart", "suspend": "Suspend", "stop": "Stop", "undeploy": "Undeploy", "current_cache": "Current Cache Size", "flush_cache": "Flush Cache", "warning": "Warning: Flushing Cache will remove all cached data for all apps in this container. This may result in a temporary performance hit while the cache is being rebuilt.", "set_max": "Set Max Cache Size", "value": "value in MB", "percent": "% of available memory", "set": "Set Cache Size", "alert_no_dyno": "The dyno for this environment does not exist. It will be created automatically when you deploy your first App to it.", "alert_no_apps": "There are currently no Apps running in this environment. Resource information is only shown when at least 1 App is running.", "unavailable": "Resources Unavailable", "currently_unavailable": "Resources for this Environment are currently unavailable. This may occur when no Cloud Apps have been staged to this environment - please try again later." }, "forms": { "forms": "Forms", "title": "Getting Started with Forms", "no_ds_available": "No data available in this environment for the following Data Sources:", "description": "All the steps you need from creating a Form to building an App", "builder": { "title": "Forms Builder", "description": "Create and Edit Forms that can be used in one or more Projects", "sub_description": "Forms based Apps can be created and managed here via a Drag and Drop builder", "none": "No Forms Found!", "new": "New Form", "update": "Updated", "using": "Projects Using This Form", "submissions_today": "Submissions today", "submissions": "Submissions", "edit": "Edit Form", "related": "Related Projects", "alert": "This form has no project associated with it.", "create": "Create, or associate with an existing project", "projects": "Projects using this form", "total": "Total Submissions", "pages": "Pages", "subscribers": "Subscribers", "deploy": "Here you can deploy this form to an Environment. Apps using this form in the target Environment will start to use this copy of the form once it is deployed.", "choose_environment": "Choose an Environment", "deploy_action": "Deploy", "deploy_problem_title":"Cannot deploy application", "deploy_problem_message":" Cannot get list of active environments. Please make sure that fh-mbaas service is running and you have more than one active environment linked with it.
For more information please refer to official guide." }, "themes": { "title": "Forms Themes", "description": "Define your own look and feel for your Forms Apps", "themes": "Themes", "overview": "Themes can be used to customise the appearance of your App", "new": "New Theme", "single": "Theme", "none": "No Themes Found!", "edit": "Edit Theme", "related": "Related Projects", "updated": "Updated", "apps": "Projects Using This Theme", "using": "Projects Using This Theme" }, "projects": { "title": "Forms Projects", "description": "Create, Manage and Build Projects that use Forms", "edit": "Edit Projects", "submissions": "Project Submissions", "overview": "A Forms project can be created from scratch or added to an existing Project", "none": "No Projects Found!", "name": "Project Name", "updated": "Last Updated", "num": "# Forms In This Project", "new": "New Forms Project", "forms": "Forms in this project" }, "submissions": { "title": "Forms Submissions", "description": "See all of the data submitted per Form and per Project", "recent": "Recent Submissions", "none": "No Recent Submissions", "single": "Forms Submission", "name": "Form Name", "proj_name": "Project Name", "env": "App Env", "date_time": "Date/Time Received", "field1": "Form Field 1", "field2": "Form Field 2", "field3": "Form Field 3", "error_fetching_form_data": "Cannot fetch form data.", "query_result_empty": "Query returned empty result.", "error_on_query": "Cannot peform search", "export_empty_list": "Cannot export empty submission list", "export_empty_list_title": "Export error", "export_missing_file_header":"Please select a Field Header to use when exporting." }, "groups": { "title": "Forms Groups", "description": "Define who has access to which Forms, Themes and Projects", "groups": "Groups", "overview": "A Group can be used to combine a Forms app with a set of Users, Projects and Themes.", "none": "No Groups Found!", "new": "New Group", "users": "Users", "forms": "Forms", "themes": "Themes", "apps": "Apps", "group_name": "Group Name", "projects": "Projects", "cancel": "Cancel", "save_continue": "Save Group & Continue Editing", "save": "Save Group" }, "lifecycle": { "title": "Lifecycle", "title_long": "Forms Lifecycle", "description": "Lifecycle", "overview": "Here you can see an overview of all your Forms deployments for all Environments", "mbaas_missing_title":"FH-MBAAS SERVICE IS REQUIRED TO MANAGE LIFECYCLE OF DRAG AND DROP APPS", "mbaas_missing_description":" Please make sure that you have configured fh-mbaas service and you have more than one environment to deploy your project.
For more information please refer to documentation." }, "datasources": { "create_view": { "name": "Name your Data Source", "description": "Give your Data Source a description", "service": "Choose A Service", "service_path": "Your Data Source retrieves it's data from an MBaaS Service. Select the service and path to use below.", "service_pick": "Pick A Service", "http_path": "HTTP path to call via HTTP GET (e.g /countries)", "update_schedule": "Update Schedule", "update_schedule_desc": "We keep your Data Source up to date by periodically refreshing its data from the MBaaS Service - by default, Sources are updated once every 24 hours - you can adjust this below", "audit_log_title": "Audit Log Entries", "audit_log_desc": "Choose the number of Audit Log entries to keep.", "delete_confirm": "Delete this Data Source?", "delete_confirm_detail": "Are you absolutely sure?", "delete_success": "Deleting this Data Source - this may take some time.", "missing_fields": "Missing Required Fields", "duplicate_names": "Duplicate Data Source Names Are Not Allowed", "error_updating": "Error Updating Data Source", "update_success": "Data Source updated successfully", "error_creating": "Error creating Data Source", "error_removing": "Error deleting Data Source", "remove_success": "Data Source removed", "create_success": "Data Source Created Successfully", "duplicate_name": "Duplicate Data Source Name", "name": "Name", "description": "Description", "service_endpoint": "Service Endpoint", "update_schedule": "Update Schedule", "audit_log_entries": "Audit Log Entries", "data_key": "Key", "data_value": "Value", "data_selected": "Selected", "no_data": "No Data Found", "btn_validate": "Validate", "btn_refresh": "Refresh", "no_service_access": "No access to Services. Please contact your administrator.", "view_service_details": "View service details", "service_access_required": "You must have at least read access to Services to be able to create a Data Source. Please contact your Administrator." }, "env_select": { "error": "There was an error validating your data source environment" }, "audit_log_view": { "service": "Service Title", "log_entry": "Log Entry", "service_id": "Service ID", "updated_at": "Updated At", "status": "Status", "error_code": "Error Code", "error_message": "Error Message", "error_detail": "Error Detail", "data_hash": "Data Hash", "error_audit_log": "Error getting audit log details", "close": "Close" }, "associated_forms": "Associated Forms", "title": "Data Sources", "title_long": "Data Sources", "description": "Data Sources", "overview": "Here you can see an overview of all your Data Sources", "new": "New Data Source", "key": "Key", "value": "Value", "selected": "Selected", "datasources": "Data Sources", "refresh_timestamp": "Refreshed At", "service_title": "Service Name", "audit_logs": "Audit Logs", "current_data_set_title": "Current Data Set", "current_data_set_overview": "The current data available for the selected environment is displayed below.", "overview_audit_logs": "A list of Data Source updates are listed below.", "data_hash": "Data Hash", "new": "New Data Source", "single": "Data Source", "status": "Status", "none": "No Data Sources Found!", "edit": "Edit Data Source", "related": "Related Projects", "updated": "Updated", "apps": "Projects Using This Data Source", "using": "Forms Using This Data Source", "refresh_success": "Data Source refreshed Successfully", "refresh_error": "Error refreshing Data Source" }, "subnav": { "dashboard": "Dashboard", "edit_form": "Edit Form", "audit_logs": "Audit Logs", "data": "Data", "associated_forms": "Associated Forms", "field": "Field Rules", "page": "Page Rules", "data_sources": "Data Sources", "notifications": "Notifications", "related": "Related Projects", "forms_themes": "Project Forms & Themes", "config": "Advanced Config", "submissions": "Submissions", "recent": "Recent", "by_form": "By Form", "by_project": "By Project", "advanced": "Advanced Search", "edit": "Edit", "deploy": "Deploy" }, "common":{ "mbaas_service_connectivity_error":"Problem with fetching data from the fh-mbaas service. Is the service running?" } }, "services": { "preview": "Service Preview", "title": "MBaaS Services & APIs", "overview": "An MBaaS Service is a running Cloud application that provides integration into backend systems e.g. Oracle, Salesforce, EC2", "none": "No MBaaS Services Found!", "new": "Provision MBaaS Service/API", "details_name": "Details", "docs": "Docs", "stats": "Stats", "editor": "Editor", "table_title": "Title", "email": "Author Email", "modified": "Last Modified", "no_associated_datasources": "No Associated Data Sources", "details": { "title": "Service Details", "using": "Projects/Services using this", "requests": "Requests / Second", "shortest": "Shortest request", "longest": "Longest request", "id": "Service ID", "copy": "Copy", "key": "Service API Key", "url": "Git URL", "info": "You can clone this service and change it's code as you wish", "settings": "Service Settings", "projects": "Projects", "global": "Global Service", "tip": "Public to all projects", "save": "Save Service", "warning": "Once you delete a service, there is {{wrapWithStrongTags \"NO\"}} going back. {{wrapWithStrongTags \"ANY\"}} integrations using this service in associated projects may stop functioning!", "access": "Can access this service", "redeploy_dialog_message":"Service needs to be redeployed in order to change permissions. Do you want to redeploy it now?", "redeploy_dialog_title": "Redeploy this Service?", "deleteDialog":{ "title":"Delete this service?", "message": "Are you absolutely sure? Service and all related data will be completely removed.", "typeProjectMessage": "Please type in __serviceName__ service name to confirm operation", "warning": "Warning! This action cannot be reversed. Cloud applications in projects using this service will stop working correctly!", "confirmButtonText": "I understand the consequences. Please delete this service" } }, "subnav": { "details": "Details", "docs": "Docs", "editor": "Editor", "nodejs": "Node.js Modules", "env_vars": "Environment Variables", "browser": "Data Browser", "deploy": "Deploy", "stats": "Stats", "notifications": "Notifications", "logs": "Logs", "endpoints": "Endpoints" } }, "admin": { "lwd": { "reseller": "Reseller", "customer": "Customer", "domain": "Domain" }, "users": { "title": "Users", "description": "Platform users can be viewed, created, updated, removed and assigned permissions here", "create": "Create", "import_user": "Import Users", "import": "Import", "create_user": "Create a User", "id": "User ID", "pass_opt": "Password (Optional)", "pass": "Password", "email": "Email Address", "name_opt": "Name (Optional)", "invite": "Invite", "send_invite_question": "Send Invite Email?", "send_invites_question": "Send Invite Emails?", "send_invite": "Send Invite Email", "login": "Last Login", "enabled": "Enabled?", "purge": "Purge User Data?", "update": "Update User", "csv": "CSV File", "create_a": "Create User" }, "teams": { "description": "Teams are groups of users with an associated set of permissions granted on business objects", "noperm": "You do not have permission to use this Feature", "noteamfound": "Could not find team with id", "noteamload": "Failed to load team", "delete_help": "Once you delete a team, there is {{wrapWithStrongTags \"NO\"}} going back. Access to certain business objects for the users contained within {{wrapWithStrongTags \"may be revoked\"}}", "own_team": "You are a member of this team. Any permission changes made here, will affect what you can and cannot do.", "delete_team": "Delete This Team", "delete_confirm": "Delete this team?", "delete_confirm_text": "Are you sure you want to delete this team? It cannot be restored - user access to business objects may be revoked", "delete_ok": "Team deleted OK", "no_members": "No members found", "team": "Team", "none_found": "No Teams Found!", "own_team": "You are a member of this team. Any permission changes made here, will affect what you can and cannot do.", "team_info": "Team Info", "team_members": "Team Members", "team_perms": "Team Permissions", "owner": "Owner", "create": "Create Team", "team_name": "Team Name", "team_description": "Team Description", "default_team": "Default Team", "default_team_members": "This is a Default Team - you can add members, but you cannot alter permissions", "default_team_read_only": "Default Teams permissions cannot be edited - this information is read only", "members": "Members", "info": "Info", "perms": "Perms", "create_error": "Error creating new team", "team_update_ok": "Team updated successfully", "team_update_error": "Error updating team", "edit_members": "Edit Members", "permissions": "Permissions", "edit_permissions": "Edit Permissions", "bobjs": "Business Objects", "items_access": "Items Accessible", "perm_none": "None", "perm_view": "View", "perm_edit": "Edit", "perm_view_edit": "View & Edit", "perm_none_desc": "No access to", "perm_view_desc": "Read access to", "perm_edit_desc": "Read & Write access to", "access_level": "Access Level", "access_all_disabled_text": "Turn off Access All to configure access to specific business objects", "on": "ON", "off": "OFF", "inherit_perms": "Inherit Permissions", "inherit_desc": "Inherit permissions settings from this item's parent", "inherit_disabled_text": "Turn off inherit permissions to configure specific permissions for this business object", "no_access": "No access", "access_all": "Access All", "access_all_desc": "Members of this team will have access to every {{name}}", "perm_set_ok": "Permission set successfully", "perm_denied": ", permission denied.", "user_add_ok": "User added to team", "user_remove_ok": "User removed from team", "errors": { "initial": "Error __operation__ __thing__ - ", "generic": "Error performing this operation", "perm_denied": "You do not have permission to perform this operation", "could_not_reach_aaa": "Error contacting authentication service", "invalid_structure": "Your team has an invalid structure - please delete the team, recreate, and try again", "cant_modify_team_default": "Default teams cannot be altered - only members can be added and removed" } }, "auth": { "title": "Auth Policies", "description": "Auth Policies allow grouping and restricting Users who can access you Apps via various Authentication mechanisms", "create": "Create", "policy": "Policy Name", "authentication": "Authentication", "type": "Type", "authorization": "Authorization", "exists": "User exists check?", "check_exists": "Check if user exists on platform", "approved": "User approved check?", "check_approved": "Check if user approved for auth", "create_auth": "Create Auth Policy", "update": "Update Policy", "create_policy": "Create an Auth Policy", "label_service": "Service", "label_service_help": "Choose the MBaaS Service to use for Authentication", "label_service_placeholder": "Select a service", "label_endpoint": "Endpoint", "label_endpoint_help": "Enter the endpoint in the MBaaS Service to call", "label_default_environment": "Default Environment", "label_default_environment_placeholder": "Select an environment", "label_default_environment_help": "If Auth Policy is called without an environment being supplied, which environment should be used by default?", "mbaas_validate_text": "Enter a username and password to test this Auth Policy", "mbaas_validate_username": "Username", "mbaas_validate_username_placeholder": "Enter username", "mbaas_validate_password": "Password", "mbaas_validate_password_placeholder": "Enter password", "mbaas_validate_response": "Response", "mbaas_validate_btn_text": "Validate", "mbaas_validate_title": "Validate Settings" }, "app_store": { "title": " App Store", "description": "Distribution apps to end user devices, tracking and managing this usage. Securely distribute Apps via the private App store.", "url": "You can access your store at the following url: ", "name_placeholder": "App Store", "icon": "Icon", "icon_description": "Your App Store Icon should be 128x128 in size, and in PNG format.", "access": "Authorised Access Only", "update": "Update App Store", "fix": "Please fix the issues highlighted!", "items": "Store Items", "items_description": "These Store Items will appear in your App Store", "auth": "Auth Policies", "auth_description": "Here you can define a list of supported auth policies for logging into your App Store." }, "apps": { "title": "App Store Apps", "description": "Apps can be added to your private App Store for distribution amongst your Organisations users.", "create": "Create a new App", "help": "Below are the Apps available in your private App Store. Apps contain one or more App Binaries (e.g. one for iOS and one for Android). Select an Item to edit it or view an audit log of downloads.", "view": "View", "delete": "Delete", "create_app": "Create App", "back": "Back", "details": "App Details", "icon": "Icon", "icon_description": "The icon for this App Binary", "auth": "Auth Token", "auth_description": "Your Auth Token can be used to identify your app when using $fh.auth to track app access events", "restrict": "Restrict to Groups?", "restrict_description": "Restrict this store item to specified groups?", "update": "Update Item Details", "upload_bin": "Upload App Binaries", "type": "Type", "configuration": "Configuration", "upload": "Upload", "history": "History", "android": "An Android binary consists of an {{wrapWithCodeTags \".apk\"}} signed for distribution.", "iphone": "An iPhone binary consists of an {{wrapWithCodeTags \".ipa\"}} signed for distribution. You will also need to provide us with the Bundle ID of the binary you aree uploading (this value is in your Info.plist).", "ipad": "An iPad binary consists of an {{wrapWithCodeTags \".ipa\"}} signed for distribution. You will also need to provide us with the Bundle ID of the binary you are uploading (this value is in your Info.plist).", "ios": "An iOS Universal Binary consists of an {{wrapWithCodeTags \".ipa\"}} signed for distribution. You will also need to provide us with the Bundle ID of the binary you are uploading (this value is in your Info.plist).", "windows": "A Windows Phone Universal Binary consists of an {{wrapWithCodeTags \".xap\"}} signed for distribution. You will also need to provide us with the AET (Application Enrollment Token) file.", "audit": "App Audit Log", "users": "All Users", "all_type": "All Types", "records": "All Records", "reset": "Reset", "notes": "Notes", "version": "Version", "whatsNew": "What's New", "support": "Support Contacts", "requirements": "Requirements", "screenshot": "Screenshot Upload" }, "log": { "title": "App Store Audit Log", "description": "The Audit Log shows details of downloaded App Binaries in your App Store.", "items": "All Items", "users": "All Users", "types": "All Types", "reset": "Reset" }, "third_parties" : { "title" : "Third Party MAM/MDM", "description": "Distribution of apps to end user devices, tracking and managing usage. Securely distribute Apps via the private App store", "enable" : "enable", "disable" : "disable", "enabled" : "enabled", "diabled" : "disabled", "apperian" : "Apperian provides a mobile application management platform that does not require app code modifications or software development kits. For more information check :", "apperian_url" : "https://www.apperian.com/" }, "groups": { "title": "App Store Groups", "description": "An App Store group can be used to restrict access to Apps in your private App Store to a specific set fo Users", "create": "Create Group", "help": "Groups can be used to group users and app store items together. For example, you can group users for one project together so they can see a subset of your appstore items.", "desc_opt": "Description (Optional)", "update": "Update Group", "create_group": "Create a Group", "create_help": "Groups can be used to group users together. For example, you can group users for one project together so they can see one each others apps." }, "devices": { "title": "App Store Devices", "description": "Any Device that has visited the App Store will show up on this screen. Devices can be blocked if required, or aliased to allow easier management", "details": "Details", "label": "Label", "update": "Update Label", "id": "Device ID", "access": "Last Access", "seen": "First Seen", "disabled": "Disabled?", "purge": "Purge Device Data?", "no_users": "No Users found", "no_apps": "No Apps found in your private App Store" }, "environments" : { "description" : "Administer the software development lifecycles or environments which are available in your FeedHenry instance", "title" : "Environments", "create" : "Create Environment", "configure" : "Configure Environments", "configure_title": "Configure", "configure_description": "Enabled Environments in this domain can be configured here. The sort order of Environments can also be configured i.e. the order of Environments in the Lifecycle Dashboard. The list of available Environments is based on permissions of the currently logged in User, so not all Environments may be shown.", "configure_enabled": "Enabled Environments", "configure_disabled": "Disabled Environments", "configure_success": "Environments configured successfully", "configure_failure": "Error configuring environments", "save_environments_config": "Save", "id": "ID", "label" : "Label", "targets" : "Targets", "created" : "Created", "updated" : "Updated", "error_loading" : "Error loading environments", "save" : "Save Environment", "removeWarning" : "Deleting an Environment may cause deployed applications to cease functioning - proceed with caution!", "remove" : "Delete this Environment", "remove_confirm" : "Are you sure you want to delete this environment?", "remove_progress" : "Deleting this environment...", "remove_success" : "Environment deleted successfully", "remove_failure" : "Error deleting environment", "id_desc" : "A unique identifier for your Environment - no spaces or special characters", "label_id" : "Environment ID", "label_label" : "Environment Label", "label_desc" : "A friendly Label for this Environment - this will show in Environment Selector drop-downs", "mbaas_targets_desc" : "Select which MBaaS target this Environment should use", "mbaas_target_id": "MBaaS Target ID", "none" : "No environments found", "mbaas_targets_label" : "MBaaS Targets", "mbaas_targets_add" : "Add MBaaS Target", "update_failure" : "Error saving Environment" }, "mbaases": { "title": "MbaaS Targets", "description": "Administer the MBaaS Targets your Environments talk to - every Environment has an MBaaS Target", "label_type": "Type", "none": "No MBaaSes exist", "create": "New MBaaS Target", "error_loading": "Error loading MBaaS targets", "id_desc": "A unique identifier for your MBaaS Target - no spaces or special characters", "label_id": "MBaaS ID", "label_url": "MBaaS URL", "url_desc": "The hostname of the MBaaS target you will be targetting", "label_servicekey": "Service Key", "servicekey_desc": "A key used to identify the system with the Dyno MBaaS", "label_fhmbaashost": "fh-mbaas Host", "fhmbaashost_desc": "Host location of a running fh-mbaas service e.g. https://mbaas.example.com (Required for Drag and Drop Apps see documentation for details)", "label_username": "Username", "label_password": "Password", "save": "Save MBaaS", "removeWarning": "Deleting an MBaaS may cause deployed applications to cease functioning - proceed with caution!", "unableToRemoveInUse": "This MBaaS is in use by one or more environments. To delete it, first make sure it is not in use anywhere.", "remove": "Delete this MBaaS", "remove_confirm": "Are you sure you want to delete this MBaaS Target?", "remove_progress": "Deleting this MBaaS Target...", "remove_success": "MBaaS Target deleted successfully", "remove_failure": "Error deleting MBaaS Target", "update_failure": "Error saving MBaaS Target", "invalid_password": "Invalid Username/Password", "label_accesstokens": "Access Tokens", "label_privatekey": "Private Key", "label_bearertoken": "Bearer Token", "label_routerDNSUrl" : "OpenShift Router DNS", "routerDNSUrl_desc" : "The wildcard DNS entry for your OpenShift Router e.g. *.cloudapps.example.com", "privatekey_desc": "Your Private Key is the private part of a keypair generated for use with the OpenShift platform. We use it to push code to OpenShift.", "bearertoken_desc": "Your bearer token is an oAuth token used to access OpenShift without your password", "openshift_creds_required": "Requires your OpenShift credentials", "related_environments": "Related Environments", "related_environments_desc": "This MBaaS target is used in the following environments.", "related_environments_help": "Click on an environment to jump to it's definition", "generate_tokens": "Generate a keypair ", "regenerate_tokens": "Regenerate a keypair ", "generate_modal_title": "Generate Access Tokens", "generate_modal_cancel": "Cancel", "generate_modal_body": "To generate access tokens which enable communication between FeedHenry and OpenShift, we will need your username and password. We will only need these credentials once, and don't store them.", "generate_success": "Access tokens generated successfully. Remember to save your changes", "regenerate_modal_title": "Re-Generate Access Tokens", "regenerate_modal_cancel": "Cancel", "regenerate_modal_body": "We've detected that our existing access tokens which enable communication between FeedHenry and OpenShift have expired or have been revoked. We will need your username and password to re-generate them. We will only need these credentials once, and don't store them.", "regenerate_success": "Access tokens re-generated successfully", "generate_failed": "Error generating keypair", "label_auto_install": "Automatic MBaaS Installation", "automatic_mbaas_installation": "If you wish to automatically install an MBaaS in your OpenShift cluster, check this box", "manual_doc_link": "More info can be found here for a manual MBaaS installation", "openshift3_fhmbaas_url_desc": "Exposed route where fh-mbaas is running in OpenShift 3 e.g. https://my-mbaas.openshift.example.com", "openshift3_master_url_desc" : "URL where the OpenShift Master(s) API is available e.g. https://master.openshift.example.com:8443", "label_openshift3_servicekey": "MBaaS Service Key", "openshift3_servicekey_desc": "The FHMBAAS_KEY environment variable value in the fh-mbaas service", "label_openshift3_master_url": "OpenShift Master URL", "label_openshift3_username": "OpenShift Username", "label_openshift3_password": "OpenShift Password", "label_openshift3_fhmbaas_url": "MBaaS URL", "openshift3_username": "Used to generate an access token for accessing the OpenShift API", "openshift3_password": "Used to generate an access token for accessing the OpenShift API", "openshift3_download_template": "Download Template", "status": "Check the MBaaS Status", "status_check_ok": "All status checks passed", "mbaas_troubleshooting": "MBaaS Troubleshooting", "raw_health_response": "Raw MBaaS Health Response", "openshift_console": "OpenShift Web Console", "openshift_mbaas_project": "MBaaS Project in OpenShift", "unknown_status": "MBaaS Status is unknown. Ensure the MBaaS components are running and accessible.", "useful_links": "Useful Links", "checking_status": "Checking MBaaS Status..." }, "navbar": { "users": "Users", "teams": "Teams", "policies": "Auth Policies", "mam": "Mobile App Management", "environments": "Environments", "mbaases": "MBaaS Targets" }, "mam": { "navbar": { "store": "App Store", "apps": "App Store Apps", "groups": "App Store Groups", "devices": "App Store Devices", "logs": "App Store Logs", "third_parties" : "Third Party MAM/MDM" } } }, "profile": { "manage": { "account_dets": "Account Details", "personal_dets": "Personal Details", "teams": "Teams", "teamshelp": "Team memberships give you permission to access various parts of the Studio and Platform, as well as access to individual items e.g. Projects, Apps", "email": "Email", "account_type": "Account Type", "preferences": "Preferences", "change_pass": "Change Password", "current_pass": "Current Password", "new_pass": "New Password", "confirm_pass": "Confirm Password", "admin_opts": "Administrator Options", "refresh_temps": "Refresh Template", "refresh": "Refresh", "refresh_description": "Expire current template cache and re-fetch", "select_langs": "Select Languages", "select_lang_description": "View and choose from available languages" }, "ssh": { "title": "SSH Keys", "new_key": "Add New Key", "form_title": "Add an SSH Key", "label_option": "Label (Optional)", "key_option": "Public Key", "upload": "Upload Public Key", "label": "Label", "key": "Key" }, "api": { "title": "API Keys", "new_key": "Add New Key", "label": "Label", "tooltip": "Give the key a label for easy identification", "generate": "Generate" }, "navbar": { "manage": "Manage Account", "ssh": "SSH Key Management", "api": "API Key Management" } }, "cloud": { "nodejs": { "title": "Node.js Modules", "desc": "The Node.js modules list is a curated, categorised & best-of-breed modules list for common tasks developers are trying to achieve in the cloud portion of their App.", "start": "To get started with your plugin, follow these simple steps:", "add_line": "Add the following line to cloud/package.json:", "add_line_desc": "Add the plugin's name to the 'dependencies' section of your package.json. This tells our cloud to install the plugin as a dependency.", "add_variable": "Add environment variables for your plugin:", "add_variable_desc": "In the 'Environment Variables' section of Cloud Management for your app, add the following {{wrapWithATags \"enivronment variables\" \"/docs/product_features/cloud_apps.html#cloud_instances-environment_variables\"}}.", "table_variable": "Environment Variable", "table_value": "Value", "add_code": "Add the following code to cloud/main.js:", "add_code_desc": "This exposes a public function which you can call from your mobile device via the {{wrapWithATags \"Cloud Interaction API\" \"/docs/api/api_act.html\"}}. The parameters expected are mentioned in the comment block.", "version": "Version", "docs": "Docs" }, "environment": { "title": "Environment Variables", "desc": "Here you can configure Environment Variables for your Cloud App", "edit": "Edit", "delete": "Delete", "download": "Download", "label": "Label", "key": "Key", "value": "Value", "update": "Update", "create": "Create", "add": "Add", "var": "Variable", "no_data": "No data available for selected data range.", "app_env_var": "App Environment Variables", "dep_env_var": "Deployed Environment Variables", "sys_env_var": "System Environment Variables", "add_var": "Add Variable", "push_env_var": "Push Environment Variables", "unset": "Unset", "env_var": "Environment Variable", "name_help": "The name should not be blank, it can only contain letters, numbers and underscore.", "env_var_help": "This is the value that your __key__ cloud service will see via process.env", "push_env_var_q": "Push Environment Variables?", "push_msg": "Are you sure you want to push environment variables to the `__env__` environment'?", "warning": "Accepting this change will cause your cloud application to restart, if it is currently running.", "type": "Type", "status": "Status", "guid": "Guid", "memory": "Memory", "cpu": "CPU", "disk": "Disk", "modified": "Last Modified", "deployed": "Deployed" }, "deploy": { "title": "Deploy", "overview": "Below you can deploy your current Cloud App code", "choose_node": "Choose a version of nodejs", "clean": "Clean Stage", "deploy": "Deploy Cloud App", "cancel": "Cancel Deploy", "log": "Deployment Log", "choose_git_ref": "Choose a GIT branch or tag", "targets_instruction" : "Your app will be deployed to the following MBaaS target.", "targets_adjust" : "Edit __key__ Environment", "choose_runtime" : "Choose a Runtime", "choose_branch_tag" : "Choose Branch or Tag", "auto_deploy_label": "Auto Deploy On Push", "history": { "title": "Deploy History", "target": "Deploy Target", "status": "Status", "result": "Result", "startedAt": "Started At", "finishedAt": "Finished At", "runtime": "Runtime", "git_ref": "Git Branch/Tag", "git_commit": "Commit", "clean_stage": "Clean Stage", "empty_table": "No deploy history records found", "inprogress": "In Progress" } }, "stats": { "title": "Stats", "overview": "Here you can view instrumented Stats about your Cloud App. You can add additional instrumentation programmatically.", "none": "No __key__ stats!", "none_msg": "You appear not to have any __key__ stats. To find out more about stats and how to add them to your app, please see the {{wrapWithATags \"Cloud App documentation\" \"../docs/product_features/cloud_apps.html#cloud_instances-stats\"}} and also the {{wrapWithATags \"cloud API documentation\" \"../docs/api/cloud_api.html#cloud_api-_fh_stats\"}} for more information.", "btn_msg": "Once you have updated your app you can use the button below to refresh this view.", "refresh": "Refresh __key__ Stats", "refresh_msg": "Refreshing stats ......" }, "notifications": { "title": "Notifications", "overview": "Here you can view Notifications about the status of your Cloud App, or create alerts", "events": "Events", "alerts": "Alerts", "all_categories": "All Event Categories", "all_names": "All Event Names", "all_severities": "All Event Severities", "reset": "Reset", "timestamp": "TimeStamp", "updated": "Updated By", "category": "Event Category", "name": "Event Name", "severity": "Severity", "msg": "Message", "delete": "Delete An Alert", "create": "Create An Alert", "alert_name": "Alert Name", "emails": "Emails", "test_emails": "Test Emails", "disable": "Disable", "enable": "Enable", "cancel": "Cancel", "clone": "Clone", "save": "Save", "time_stamp": "Time Stamp", "recipients": "Recipients", "subject": "Subject", "close": "Close", "categories": "Event Categories", "severities": "Severities", "event_names": "Event Names", "enabled": "Enabled" }, "logs": { "title": "Logs", "overview": "Here you can view current and archived MBaaS logs", "modified": "Last Modified", "size": "Size", "archives": "Log Archives" }, "endpoints": { "title": "Endpoints", "overview": "Here you can configure the level of security you wish to apply to your Cloud App endpoints", "security": "Security", "audit_log": "Audit Log", "app_security": "App Security", "app_security_help": "App security defines a default level of security that will be applied across all of your endpoints - this defaults to HTTPS.", "app_api_help": "The App Api Key options means that HTTPS will still be used, but that in order to access an endpoint the App Api Key must be sent and must match the key created with your App (or else will return a 401).", "https": "HTTPS", "app_api_key": "App API Key", "update": "Update", "endpoint_security": "Endpoint Security", "endpoint_help": "Here you can override the security of an individual endpoint.", "overrides": "Endpoint Overrides", "overrides_help": "These security overrides are currently applied", "all_events": "All Events", "all_endpoints": "All Endpoints", "all_security": "All Security", "all_users": "All Users", "reset": "Reset", "security_type": "Security Type" }, "status":{ "db_migration_inprogress": "App db migration is inprogress", "not_deployed": "may not be deployed" } }, "navbar": { "projects": "Projects", "analytics": "Analytics", "resources": "Resources", "dragndrop": "Drag & Drop Apps", "servicenapi": "Services & APIs", "admin": "Admin", "docs": "Docs" }, "administration": { "domains": { "title": "Developer Domains", "description": "Here you can view domains created beneath this Administrative Domain - you can sign-over to one of these domains by selecting them (these will open in a new tab)" }, "settings": { "title": "Administration Settings", "description": "Here you can manage administrative settings for domains beneath this Administrative Domain - e.g. Invitation settings" }, "invites": { "title": "Invites", "description": "Here you can manage Invitations that have been received - you can immediately approve a user invite", "create_invite": "Create Invite", "name": "Name", "company": "Company", "email": "Email", "created": "Created", "modified": "Modified", "email_sent": "Email Sent", "email_sent_at": "Email Sent At", "accepted": "Accepted", "unaccepted": "Unaccepted", "max_invites": "Max Invites", "total_invites": "Total Invites", "captured": "T&C Captured", "show": { "title": "Show Invite", "description": "Details for this invite" } } }, "attribution": { "geolite": "This product includes Geolite data created by MaxMind, available from http://www.maxmind.com. Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License." }, "validation":{ "databrowser":{ "fields_empty":"You must specify a field name and value to create a filter", "filter_exist":"Filter for \"__key__\" field already exist. ", "invalid_type": "Provided value \"__val__\" is invalid for specified type: \"__type__\"" } } }