What is RHEL-TM ?
- 01 Apr 2016, 07:56 pm
Former user 11 May 2016 at 03:00
Hi Jean-Baptiste
I am the one who pushed this. Please check this post at trans.lists [1].
Red Hat documentation is under Creative Commons.
Any string matches with the one in RHEL6 will appear in Translation Memory. A translator can reuse the string by clicking 'copy'. A translator doesn't like that translation, then can ignore. At least I heard that Russian and Japanese teams benefited from this, while I havn't heard any negative feedback on our trans.lists ML so far, and I understood that this has been useful for the community in general.
If French team does not wish to have, reuse or see the translation memory from RHEL documentation, please advise I will consider the removal.
j 9 May 2016 at 06:12
I tried to get use to this feature, but I notice more issues when working a lot on reviewing content of this document :
Problems so far with RHEL-TM :
returns strings from earlier deactivate version of the same docs (maybe f21)
returns suggestion that are the same as one suggestion from the current server
doesn't give any explanation of the context or source
isn't consistent with the "i"
don't give any information of license of the work
Do you share this analysis ?
Note : if licenses allow it, you may mix suggestions from fedora.zanata and translate.zanata. It would be more useful.
Carlos Munoz 4 April 2016 at 23:45
@j I think the "RHEL-TM" string is just the name which someone picked to identify this translation memory. It doesn't implicitly mean that it holds a better translation, or that it must be used. It's just an extra reference for translators to have.
The reason why there isn't an i-button for these results is because Zanata doesn't really have a project or version for them, so it doesn't have the full context. It's just a translation memory file which was uploaded by someone with such permissions.
Former user 4 April 2016 at 20:36
I agree some sort of filtering feature in TM would really help in this case.
Please feel free to change to title of this bug and we would prioritize them accordingly.
j 4 April 2016 at 12:04
This probably is a good feature, but I don't like to have "RHEL-TM" in column "Origin".
This is confusing, as the origin has to be accessible after clicking "i-button", like for any other Translation Memory result.
Also, it gives too much visibility of what's coming from Red-Hat, like it cannot be false or cannot be taken with the same level of value with a non-redhat contribution.
In addition, how can we know the context of the translation if we can't access the source or don't even know which project it is coming from ?
It's tiny, but it matters.
Please re-open issue.

Hi there,
I found as source of translation a "RHEL-TM", what does it mean ?
Thank for your help