Significant performance issue in copy version



  • A large gettext file. I created on from Gutenberg's Moby Dick.

  • Many languages for the project are enabled, e.g. the default language set as seen on t.z.o

1. Upload a large gettext file to a project version. Go back to the projects page
2. Clone the version by clicking the down arrow on the version and selecting Copy to new version
3. Enter a new id, and press create
4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 on the same original version

Two versions are now being created. Where one version would take some minutes to complete, this one takes around an hour to fail (out of heap space). At least, it did on my machine (T530, 8GB RAM, i7-3520M CPU @ 2.90GHz)


Fedora22, firefox, T530, wildfly 10


  • 15 Nov 2016, 11:59 pm
  • 20 May 2016, 03:10 am
  • 20 May 2016, 03:03 am

relates to



Former user 16 November 2016 at 05:29

Can not reproduce it with restricted heap size (1g). Some code and tests are changed during the process so will use this issue for tracking.

Former user 16 November 2016 at 00:50

The start time is the memory recording time (from a fresh server start). The end time is after 50 min or so which it's after the big spike in memory. I've also got a heap dump file and eclipse MAT reports the memory dominator is hibernate SessionFactoryImpl with a lot of query plan cache.

I am going to restrict heap size to 1g and try again.

Sean Flanigan 16 November 2016 at 00:25

That chart doesn't tell us much without more information. For instance, what time did the copy start and finish?

Former user 16 November 2016 at 00:15

re-run with 40 languages enabled and the completion time is about the same. Heap dump as attached

doesn't seem to have memory leak as the memory usage is back to normal after the run.

Former user 14 November 2016 at 23:23

Tested locally using the attached file plus one language 100% translated. Started 2 copy version processes simultaneously and they both finished around the same time. Log message modified for easier viewing

06:17:44,129 INFO [o.z.u.f.FacesMessages] (default task-18) FacesMessage to user (wid: -395): Creating version v6 from copy-source) 06:17:44,142 INFO [o.z.s.i.CopyVersionServiceImpl] (pool-7-thread-7) copy version start: copy copy-version-test:copy-source to copy-version-test:v6 06:17:44,167 INFO [o.z.m.HProjectIteration] (pool-7-thread-7) persist entity: HProjectIteration(slug=v6), project=HProject(slug=copy-version-test) 06:17:44,311 INFO [o.z.m.po.HPoHeader] (pool-7-thread-7) persist entity: HPoHeader() 06:17:44,344 INFO [o.z.m.HDocument] (pool-7-thread-7) persist entity: HDocument(docId=mobydick) 06:17:44,346 INFO [o.z.m.po.HPoTargetHeader] (pool-7-thread-7) persist entity: HPoTargetHeader() 06:17:55,607 INFO [o.z.u.f.FacesMessages] (default task-28) FacesMessage to user (wid: -395): Creating version v7 from copy-source) 06:17:55,635 INFO [o.z.s.i.CopyVersionServiceImpl] (pool-7-thread-9) copy version start: copy copy-version-test:copy-source to copy-version-test:v7 06:17:55,705 INFO [o.z.m.HProjectIteration] (pool-7-thread-9) persist entity: HProjectIteration(slug=v7), project=HProject(slug=copy-version-test) 06:17:55,904 INFO [o.z.m.po.HPoHeader] (pool-7-thread-9) persist entity: HPoHeader() 06:17:55,907 INFO [o.z.m.HDocument] (pool-7-thread-9) persist entity: HDocument(docId=mobydick) 06:17:55,909 INFO [o.z.m.po.HPoTargetHeader] (pool-7-thread-9) persist entity: HPoTargetHeader() 07:04:17,000 INFO [o.z.s.i.CopyVersionServiceImpl] (pool-7-thread-7) copy document- textFlow:18846, textFlowTarget:18846 copied for document:580 - 46.54 min 07:04:17,077 INFO [o.z.s.i.CopyVersionServiceImpl] (pool-7-thread-7) copy version end: copy copy-version-test:copy-source to copy-version-test:v6, 46.55 min 07:04:17,626 INFO [o.z.s.i.CopyVersionServiceImpl] (pool-7-thread-9) copy document- textFlow:18846, textFlowTarget:18846 copied for document:581 - 46.36 min 07:04:17,694 INFO [o.z.s.i.CopyVersionServiceImpl] (pool-7-thread-9) copy version end: copy copy-version-test:copy-source to copy-version-test:v7, 46.37 min
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Created 20 May 2016 at 03:02
Updated 27 June 2018 at 02:24
Resolved 22 November 2016 at 06:03

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