I failed to push my document (as xml file upload)


It is solved. It'll be good to see replies below before trying to solve this.

I tried to push *.xml via zanata client, and It shows me an error.
I have no idea why it happens. I attached the file I tried to upload.
below is the error codes. other files were good to upload.

G:\korean\zanata>java -cp lib\* org.zanata.client.ZanataClient push --push-type source --from-doc "COS" -e [INFO] Loading project config from zanata.xml [INFO] Loading user config from C:\Users\Targal\.config\zanata.ini [INFO] Error stacktraces are turned on. [INFO] client API version: 4.5.0-rc-1, server API version: 4.4.5 [WARN] client API version is 4.5.0-rc-1, but server API version is 4.4.5 [INFO] Server: https://translate.zanata.org/ [INFO] Project: zanatatest2000 [INFO] Version: test [INFO] Username: evildragon [INFO] Project type: xml [INFO] Source language: en-US [INFO] Copy previous translations: false [WARN] As of Zanata Client 3.8.0, copyTrans is disabled by default. [INFO] Merge type: AUTO [INFO] Enable modules: false [INFO] Include patterns: *.xml [INFO] Exclude patterns: [INFO] Case sensitive: true [INFO] Default excludes: true [INFO] Exclude locale filenames: true [INFO] Pushing source documents only [INFO] Current directory: G:\korean\zanata [INFO] Source directory (originals): .\src [INFO] From document: COS [INFO] Skipping 3 document(s) before COS. [INFO] Found source documents: [INFO] (to skip) ACTIVECOMBATTURN [INFO] (to skip) ARX_ENDGAME [INFO] (to skip) CHARACTERCREATION [INFO] COS [?] This will overwrite existing source documents on the server, and delete obsolete documents. Are you sure (y/n)? y [INFO] pushing source doc [name=COS size=5126] to server [== ]Pushing ...[ERROR] Operation failed: Failed while pushing document: [org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute statement] To retry from the last document, please set the following option(s): --from-doc "COS" . [ERROR] Execution failed: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed while pushing document: [org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute statement] at org.zanata.client.commands.push.PushCommand.pushCurrentModule(PushCommand.java:458) at org.zanata.client.commands.push.PushCommand.run(PushCommand.java:221) at org.zanata.client.commands.ConfigurableCommand.runWithActions(ConfigurableCommand.java:110) at org.zanata.client.commands.ArgsUtil.runCommand(ArgsUtil.java:49) at org.zanata.client.ZanataClient.processArgs(ZanataClient.java:182) at org.zanata.client.ZanataClient.main(ZanataClient.java:103) Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed while pushing document: [org.hibernate.exception.DataException: could not execute statement] at org.zanata.client.commands.push.PushCommand.pushSrcDocToServer(PushCommand.java:573) at org.zanata.client.commands.push.PushCommand.pushCurrentModule(PushCommand.java:408) ... 5 more





Former user 28 May 2018 at 00:06

It was due to the string length that exceeds the limit: 255 char

COS.xml, line 5499

'<context>[CoS_Academy_SentientVoidwoken_COM_Fane.lsj] Comment: (This voidwoken must NOT use the God King's voice!) Sentient voidwoken offers to accept the Promise. Fane-the-companion will accept it if his attitude towards his avatar is low. This dialog should be long enough, because the full version of Fane's origin song will be played at this point..</context>'

Evil Dragon 26 May 2018 at 20:27

It is identified by that I put too long text on <context>, so error came out.
It's solved now. thanks for read.

Evil Dragon 26 May 2018 at 19:31

I just realized what was the problem I had.
I put some information at <context></context>, and some of them caused the error.
I don't know still which context had the problem to cause error.
thanks for read.

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Created 26 May 2018 at 19:09
Updated 28 May 2018 at 00:06
Resolved 28 May 2018 at 00:06

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