Translation Memory search option does not display all the occurrences of a term

Former user 20 April 2018 at 00:24
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j 19 April 2016 at 21:11
any news for this feature ?

j 17 December 2015 at 18:43
do I understand correctly if I say : solving that issue will give me a full list of translation of a given term ?

Bugzilla Migration 29 July 2015 at 03:33
David Mason commented:
(In reply to Julie Carbone from comment #5)
> Version: #9
> --version: #1
So this looks like there are 10 results being found by the search, but most of them are "Version" with the same translation so they are all combined to a single row in the results.
We should review the different stages of search and filtering, and try to make sure they return enough results for 10 or more rows to display in the results, regardless how many actual matches there are for each row.
Another suggestion is to include a way to search for more results. For example, a button below the list of results to click that will search for more and add them to the list.

Bugzilla Migration 29 July 2015 at 03:33
Julie Carbone commented:
Version: #9
--version: #1


Description of problem:
The TM only provides a restricted number of translation options when givin a specific term, rather than displaying all the occurrences of the said term.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Zanata 3.4.1 (git-server-3.4.1-dirty)
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Log in to Zanata
2. Open a translation project
3. In the translation editor, search any term, like "mount" and observe the results
4. Make another search, adding another term next to "mount", like "mount the" and observe the results (there are more results than the previous search)
Actual results:
In the first search, the Translation Memory only displays the closest memory entry based on the similarity with the term(s), like "mount point" and "# mount -a", rather than displaying every string where the term appears.
To obtain more results, the only solution seems to be adding more terms in the search box.
Expected results:
Being able to see all the translation results for any term, regardless of their similarity with the source term or sentence.