Checkboxes for project role permissions do not always sync properly.


In the project role permissions dialog (Project > People > "Add Someone"/"Manage permissions"), checkboxes can sometimes be checked/unchecked without that state being properly picked up when the settings are saved. This tends to happen when multiple checkboxes are changed rapidly.

How reproducible: easy with a decent mouse (requires fast mouse control), easier with a slower server.

To reproduce:

1. Sign in as a user with maintainer permissions in a project (admin, maintainer or translation maintainer). Ensure that there are 10 or more languages enabled on the server and the relevant project.
2. Navigate to a project that the current user has permission on
3. Open the people tab and click "Add Someone"
4. Search for and select a person.
5. As rapidly as possible, click the Translator checkbox for every locale
6. Click "Add person"
7. Find the person in the list of people, click "Manage permissions"

Expected results:

All the translator checkboxes are checked

Actual results:

Some of the translator checkboxes are not checked

Technical Notes

This happens because the checkbox state is synced every time a checkbox is clicked, rather than being submitted when the save button is clicked.

A robust solution would be to send the checkbox state when the form is submitted, rather than trying to mirror the form's state on the server.



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Former user 20 April 2018 at 00:23

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Created 1 September 2015 at 23:54
Updated 20 April 2018 at 00:29
Resolved 20 April 2018 at 00:29

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