RFE: Allow unverified users to create and translate their own projects


Description of problem:

Users must verify their email address before performing any operations in the system. Users with unverified email addresses should be able to perform non-destructive reversible operations that do not have the capacity to harass other users.

  • allow signup process to complete without verifying email address

  • show a message at the top of the page warning that email is not verified. The message is shown until email is verified.

  • If user clicks "re-send activation email" several times (3 times), detect this and either offer to contact the admins, or automatically contact admins in the background.

  • show "(unverified)" next to username so that language coordinators can tell if someone is verified when they are adding a user to their team.


  • block funcitons that send emails such as contact admin, request to join language team, contact language team coordinators. This could be done by adding a role such as "email_verified" that is required to perform operations that send emails.

  • to allow data into the system from unverified users, we need a way to identify and remove data from a user who turns out to be malicious.

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Former user 20 April 2018 at 00:23

We are closing all the old issues to have more clarity in our backlog for Zanata project. Feel free to re-open or leave a comment if you require our attention on your Jira.

Bugzilla Migration 28 July 2015 at 23:14

Luke Brooker commented:

Rather than:

"detect this and either offer to contact the admins or automatically contact admins in the background."

We should show something like:

Please verify your email address
A verification email has been sent to email@domain.com, follow the instructions included in the email to verify your account.
Resend email | Update email address

Won't Do






More fields

Created 28 July 2015 at 23:14
Updated 20 April 2018 at 00:26
Resolved 1 December 2017 at 00:31

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