RFE: Allow unverified users to create and translate their own projects
Description of problem:
Users must verify their email address before performing any operations in the system. Users with unverified email addresses should be able to perform non-destructive reversible operations that do not have the capacity to harass other users.
allow signup process to complete without verifying email address
show a message at the top of the page warning that email is not verified. The message is shown until email is verified.
If user clicks "re-send activation email" several times (3 times), detect this and either offer to contact the admins, or automatically contact admins in the background.
show "(unverified)" next to username so that language coordinators can tell if someone is verified when they are adding a user to their team.
block funcitons that send emails such as contact admin, request to join language team, contact language team coordinators. This could be done by adding a role such as "email_verified" that is required to perform operations that send emails.
to allow data into the system from unverified users, we need a way to identify and remove data from a user who turns out to be malicious.
Web links
Former user 20 April 2018 at 00:23
We are closing all the old issues to have more clarity in our backlog for Zanata project. Feel free to re-open or leave a comment if you require our attention on your Jira.
Bugzilla Migration 28 July 2015 at 23:14
Luke Brooker commented:
Rather than:
"detect this and either offer to contact the admins or automatically contact admins in the background."
We should show something like:
Please verify your email address A verification email has been sent to email@domain.com, follow the instructions included in the email to verify your account. Resend email | Update email address
Description of problem:
Users must verify their email address before performing any operations in the system. Users with unverified email addresses should be able to perform non-destructive reversible operations that do not have the capacity to harass other users.
allow signup process to complete without verifying email address
show a message at the top of the page warning that email is not verified. The message is shown until email is verified.
If user clicks "re-send activation email" several times (3 times), detect this and either offer to contact the admins, or automatically contact admins in the background.
show "(unverified)" next to username so that language coordinators can tell if someone is verified when they are adding a user to their team.
block funcitons that send emails such as contact admin, request to join language team, contact language team coordinators. This could be done by adding a role such as "email_verified" that is required to perform operations that send emails.
to allow data into the system from unverified users, we need a way to identify and remove data from a user who turns out to be malicious.