Possible entity encoding inconvenience for translations from Zanata


When using the Drupal plugin to translate a Drupal node, then opening the translation in the Drupal editor to change something, all the unicode characters appear to be in encoded form.

I think we should fix this display issue if possible, but please note that direct editing of translations in Drupal is not recommended because the edits will be lost the next time that page is translated in Zanata. Instead I recommend making the change in Zanata and having it propagate to Drupal - at the moment it may require a new translation job, but the process will become easier as we improve the Drupal plugin.





Former user 12 January 2016 at 00:45

> changes need also be reflected in Zanata, which can be done by translator at the same time.

That makes sense for now.

> make minor edits (fixing a typo, adding a missing space etc.) without having to ask for translation push and creating extra workload for Dan.

Eventually I want to remove the annoying process and the repeated work. The broad idea is described in https://zanata.atlassian.net/browse/ZNTA-866

Former user 11 January 2016 at 05:51

Hi David,

Thank you for creating this tracker. As a translator, I mainly wanted to use this feature to make minor edits (fixing a typo, adding a missing space etc.) without having to ask for translation push and creating extra workload for Dan. I agree that changes need also be reflected in Zanata, which can be done by translator at the same time.

Thank you for looking into this,

Former user 11 January 2016 at 05:35

This may be due to how the Drupal plugin processes the translations it receives from Zanata. If that is the case, the fix should be straightforward. I will look into it once has reproduced this case in the test environment.






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Created 11 January 2016 at 05:28
Updated 20 April 2018 at 04:11
Resolved 20 April 2018 at 04:11