Zanata Python client : missing the basics functionalities to be use
is caused by
Former user 5 October 2017 at 00:51
Our team currently only supports and making sure it is up to date with the server changes.
Zanata Python client is mainly community supported anyone are welcome to improve it.
j 28 September 2016 at 15:32
@Ding-Yi Chen the output format is no problem to me. Any news here ?
Ding-Yi Chen 5 May 2016 at 23:41
@j If you are satisfied by the output of
zanata stats --url --project-id fedora-release-notes --project-version f23
We can certainly work from that.
j 5 May 2016 at 12:47
@Carlos Munoz : I tried today with zanata-cli, and could find the way to list distant projects, nor to produce stats on a server or a user but only with specifically writing project+versions.
For my use case, at the moment, Python Client looks closer to the goal.
@Ding-Yi Chen : what can I do to help you ? I can write you use cases or review your propositions of options, but not write specification. Would it be ok for you ?
j 19 March 2016 at 18:25
@Ding-Yi Chen I'm not sure to understand, isn't it written in the ticket ?
Affects versions

Hi there,
I wanted to improve my code with using your python tool as it now supports stats.
Here is what I did (sorry for terrible quality) :
So I did :
— zanata list --url
=> I get a list of projects and id
First bug : where is the status of the project ? the help doesn't tell what it sends nor give you the possibility to be explicit
Then I did :
— zanata project info --url --project-id fedora-release-notes
=> I get the same information as in "zanata list"
Second bug : where is the status of the project ?
Third bug : where are the versions/documents of the project ?
I finish by,
— zanata stats --url --project-id fedora-release-notes --project-version f23
==> I get the stats I wanted, the command parameters & help looks like ok
Fourth bug : in more than 17 seconds
I did a bug report,
— zanata --version
==> zanata python client version: UNKNOWN
Fifth bug : I had to go back in dnf
Can you please improve your tool so the community can rely on script less dirty and more sustainable than the one I did ?
Thanks for your help