Zanata Python client : missing the basics functionalities to be use


Hi there,

I wanted to improve my code with using your python tool as it now supports stats.

Here is what I did (sorry for terrible quality) :

So I did :
— zanata list --url
=> I get a list of projects and id
First bug : where is the status of the project ? the help doesn't tell what it sends nor give you the possibility to be explicit

Then I did :
— zanata project info --url --project-id fedora-release-notes
=> I get the same information as in "zanata list"
Second bug : where is the status of the project ?
Third bug : where are the versions/documents of the project ?

I finish by,
— zanata stats --url --project-id fedora-release-notes --project-version f23
==> I get the stats I wanted, the command parameters & help looks like ok
Fourth bug : in more than 17 seconds

I did a bug report,
— zanata --version
==> zanata python client version: UNKNOWN
Fifth bug : I had to go back in dnf

Can you please improve your tool so the community can rely on script less dirty and more sustainable than the one I did ?

Thanks for your help





Former user 5 October 2017 at 00:51

Our team currently only supports and making sure it is up to date with the server changes.

Zanata Python client is mainly community supported anyone are welcome to improve it.

28 September 2016 at 15:32

the output format is no problem to me. Any news here ?

Ding-Yi Chen 5 May 2016 at 23:41

If you are satisfied by the output of

zanata stats --url --project-id fedora-release-notes --project-version f23

We can certainly work from that.

5 May 2016 at 12:47

: I tried today with zanata-cli, and could find the way to list distant projects, nor to produce stats on a server or a user but only with specifically writing project+versions.
For my use case, at the moment, Python Client looks closer to the goal.

: what can I do to help you ? I can write you use cases or review your propositions of options, but not write specification. Would it be ok for you ?

19 March 2016 at 18:25

I'm not sure to understand, isn't it written in the ticket ?

Not Applicable





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Created 21 February 2016 at 23:14
Updated 5 October 2017 at 00:51
Resolved 5 October 2017 at 00:51