Send email when translations are requested
Sundeep Anand 7 April 2016 at 06:00
Sundeep Anand 31 March 2016 at 10:08
Sundeep Anand
Sundeep Anand(Deactivated)Reporter
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Time trackingCreated 29 March 2016 at 06:51
Updated 13 June 2016 at 09:24
Resolved 13 June 2016 at 09:24
Add an option to send an email to a configured email address whenever a translation job is created. The purpose is to let translators know which documents have been requested in which language.
Add an option to the translator configuration in tmgmt_zanata (in pluginSettingsForm(), found in with:
checkbox: 'Send an email when a job is created' (default false)
email/textfield: 'Email address to send to when a job is created' (default empty)
When to send
If the the 'Send email...' configuration option is TRUE, send an email when translations are sent to the server. This may belong in requestTranslation() found in
Email content
The email title should include the locale and document names (if there are not too many). The job title may be a sufficient placeholder for the document names.
The email body should have the full locale name and locale code, and the full list of documents.
If possible, each document in the full list would include
document title
document name in Zanata (e.g. node/123)
a link to edit in Zanata (see getEditorUrl() for a start, then add another query string parameter for the selected document)
a link to the document on Drupal