- Support clustered deployment for Zanata PlatformZNTA-2276
- Optimise the worst 5 SQL queries from productionZNTA-1292
- Record format at the TextFlow level for reliable validationZNTA-1229Former user
- RFE: Scripts to build the Docker development imagesZNTA-1192Resolved issue: ZNTA-1192Carlos Munoz
- Regression: cannot connect Fedora / OpenID account (NPE), various changes not savedZNTA-1174Resolved issue: ZNTA-1174Sean Flanigan
- Zanata Docker instructions don't create a UTF-8 databaseZNTA-1148Resolved issue: ZNTA-1148
- Data model refactoringZNTA-1014
- Get all integration tests to pass again (Arquillian and Functional)ZNTA-588Resolved issue: ZNTA-588Former user
- Get all unit tests to pass againZNTA-587Resolved issue: ZNTA-587Sean Flanigan
- Get a successful compilationZNTA-586Resolved issue: ZNTA-586
- Migrate to CDI security systemZNTA-585Resolved issue: ZNTA-585Former user
- Switch Seam annotations to CDI annotationsZNTA-584Resolved issue: ZNTA-584
- Switch over to CDI dependencies.ZNTA-583Resolved issue: ZNTA-583Sean Flanigan
- Upgrade to RESTEasy 3ZNTA-582Former user
- Migrate from TestNG to JUnitZNTA-581Resolved issue: ZNTA-581Sean Flanigan
- rhbz1198433 Replace Seam Text with CommonMark (MarkDown)ZNTA-580Resolved issue: ZNTA-580Sean Flanigan
- Replace Seam 2 with CDIZNTA-530Resolved issue: ZNTA-530Sean Flanigan
- Document storage does not validate value until a user attempts to uploadZNTA-439Resolved issue: ZNTA-439Former user
- Intermittent OptimisticLockException on set project validation optionsZNTA-373Resolved issue: ZNTA-373Sean Flanigan
- Prevent NUL characters from being acceptedZNTA-337
- [TMX] URL of TMX.dtd is changed to issue: ZNTA-285
- Chunk split failed when pushing big files (more than 1MiB)ZNTA-128Resolved issue: ZNTA-128Former user
- Uploading File-project-type with multiple chunks throws unhandled exceptionZNTA-50Resolved issue: ZNTA-50
23 of 23
To run well on top of platforms like OpenShift, Zanata needs to support high availability, with automatic fail-over of the application when a node goes down, without affecting availability of the service as a whole.
This will require moving state out of the Zanata process (singletons) into eg replicated Infinispan caches, or into the database.
Data stored in the file system may need to be moved (perhaps to a database), or if we use shared filesystems, we need to ensure that all nodes co-operate when using the filesystem.
Lower priority: centralised management of logging, performance stats (JavaMelody), performance enhancements (eg eliminating some replicated caches, or accepting reduced/eventual cache consistency).