Post-approvedOnly cleanup


Assuming this goes in before Zanata 4.6.0, it would be a good idea to remove the old method overloads (pre- ZNTA-2437) which have the boolean approvedOnly parameter (which was only added in PR#834). So the methods which will accept approvedOnly will require the new parameter objects where applicable.

The original overloads which had neither the parameter objects nor approvedOnly will be removed if possible, otherwise deprecated for later removal (if part of public API).



Sean Flanigan 19 June 2018 at 03:59

The premise of this task is wrong. We didn't actually create overloaded methods when adding the approvedOnly option - we changed the method signatures. But rather than recreate the old overloads for backwards compatibility, we're going to leave them as is.

If it turns out anyone (besides us) is depending on the old method signatures, we can consider whether it makes sense to add them back as deprecated overloads in a patch.

As we don't really have a compatibility plan/guarantee for the Java interfaces in API/client, it doesn't make sense to create more work for ourselves at this stage. The main goal is to keep the REST APIs backwards compatible (up to a point).

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Created 15 June 2018 at 04:06
Updated 19 June 2018 at 03:59
Resolved 19 June 2018 at 03:59