- Zanata parser faliure with apostrophes, spec charsZNTA-1341Resolved issue: ZNTA-1341
- Register with non ASCII full name, the name is messedZNTA-1323Resolved issue: ZNTA-1323Former user
- Accepting "join language team" request should warn if already a memberZNTA-1321
- Zanata Maven Plugin Pot file push fails with IO Exception [request was larger than 10485760]ZNTA-1320
- Need better exception handling for transaction errorsZNTA-1318Resolved issue: ZNTA-1318Sean Flanigan
- Sorting Projects list leads to "Transaction was rolled back in a different thread!" and many other errorsZNTA-1317Resolved issue: ZNTA-1317Former user
- session time outZNTA-1316Resolved issue: ZNTA-1316
- Duplicate resId in uploaded file (xml format)ZNTA-1315
- Exceptions caused by cid paramZNTA-1314Resolved issue: ZNTA-1314
- WELD-000019 Error destroying an instance org.zanata.action.ActivateAction$Proxy$_$$_WeldSubclass@2fac0e48 of Managed Bean [class org.zanata.action.ActivateAction] with qualifiers [@Default @Any @Named]ZNTA-1312
- After https sign in, redirects to wrong url (http 8080)ZNTA-1308Resolved issue: ZNTA-1308
- Possible JDBC connection leak in Zanata 3.9ZNTA-1299Resolved issue: ZNTA-1299
- REST Api documentations is not updateZNTA-1298Resolved issue: ZNTA-1298Former user
- Log files full of NonexistentConversationExceptionZNTA-1293Resolved issue: ZNTA-1293Sean Flanigan
- Project creation "restrict access" feature too ambiguous.ZNTA-579Resolved issue: ZNTA-579Former user
- [GWT Editor] The editor suggestion panel has two toggles that don't work well togetherZNTA-499Resolved issue: ZNTA-499Former user
- RFE: Update groups listZNTA-473Resolved issue: ZNTA-473Former user
- Missing information about CopyTrans state "Approved" when copy from "Approved"ZNTA-468Resolved issue: ZNTA-468Former user
- RFE: Disabling a user should be more prominent than deleting themZNTA-433Resolved issue: ZNTA-433Former user
- XML and XLIFF project types should come with a "partial support, read more <link>" warningZNTA-431Resolved issue: ZNTA-431
- Position of editor window adjusts to source string length, not target string lengthZNTA-263Resolved issue: ZNTA-263
- Document filename needs to be wrapped / elided if longer than the display boxZNTA-217Resolved issue: ZNTA-217Former user
- Long document names are not dealt with, and stretch outside the bounds of panelsZNTA-134Resolved issue: ZNTA-134Former user
- "Rejected" text state breaks the new editorZNTA-132Resolved issue: ZNTA-132Former user
24 of 24
This parser error makes it unavailable to finish several translations when the English source contains plus apostrophe (') but the translation doesn't require. Eg. like words as can't, don't, doesn't (and etc.) and a operands in one sentence. More closely: eg. dnf-plugins-extras - line #7; Refs: ../plugins/ witch contains this: Can't write file '{}'. Correct HU translation contains: Nem írható fájl '{}' - The parser responds -> Number of apostrophes (') in source does not match number in translation. This may lead to other warnings. Unexpected quoting of variable: {}.
Similar happens with other special chars like ",; that gets compared with the translation.
Further problem is I couldn't mark the source line as bad, or request to fix by maintainer, no function/icon that provides this option between the fuzzy, translated, or such.