- Simplify/Restructure Hibernate ModelZNTAMT-59
- UI implementation for MT editorZNTAMT-58Former user
- Internal server error (500) when the backend failsZNTAMT-57
- Suspected memory leak in PersistentTranslationService/GoogleTranslatorBackendZNTAMT-56Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-56Sean Flanigan
- Eliminate EJB usageZNTAMT-55Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-55
- Support null media type in TypeString (auto-detect XML/HTML/TXT)ZNTAMT-52
- Use recursive algorithm for HTML/XML nodes in MTZNTAMT-53
- Concurrent request on same content slows down response timeZNTAMT-51
- Increase font size in masterZNTAMT-49Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-49Former user
- UI mockups for MT editorZNTAMT-48Former user
- Basic editor for MTZNTAMT-47
- Handle XML link tagsZNTAMT-46Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-46Sean Flanigan
- Blank content breaks Machine Translation mergeZNTAMT-44Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-44
- MT should accept locale aliases (eg de-de) for translation requestsZNTAMT-42Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-42
- REST: Add BackendResource.getAttributionText(backendId) for use in Zanata's revisionCommentsZNTAMT-40
- Custom change log causes exception in prodZNTAMT-39Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-39
- Use explicit version in Managed PlatformZNTAMT-38Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-38Former user
- Combine the gitlab repo with github repoZNTAMT-37
- Track number of strings, words and characters sent for translationZNTAMT-36Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-36Former user
- Upgrade MS translators to V3ZNTAMT-35
- Setup centralized logging for MT serverZNTAMT-33Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-33Former user
- duplicate key value violation exceptionZNTAMT-32Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-32Former user
- Migrate MT to external network appZNTAMT-30Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-30Former user
- Allow 'fuzzy' access to Magpie translation cacheZNTAMT-29
- Smarter default for back-endZNTAMT-26
- Failed to build with Pipeline: Supporting APIs v 2.18ZNTAMT-25Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-25Ding-Yi Chen
- Document release processZNTAMT-24Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-24
- Migration to Managed PaaSZNTAMT-23Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-23Former user
- Initial password is not distributed in the clusterZNTAMT-22Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-22Former user
- Use open paas for PR testingZNTAMT-21Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-21Former user
- Allow user to specify default backend as propertyZNTAMT-20Former user
- Run liquibase as mid life cycle eventZNTAMT-19
- Failed to download postgre because of curl exit 28 (timeout)ZNTAMT-18Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-18Ding-Yi Chen
- Use latest release +1 as new version instead of using Jenkins build numberZNTAMT-17Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-17Ding-Yi Chen
- Set up frontend buildZNTAMT-16Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-16Former user
- admin user can create service accountZNTAMT-15Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-15Former user
- Create User table and concept of admin usersZNTAMT-14Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-14Former user
- User should not be redirected back to 404 or error page after successful sign inZNTAMT-13Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-13
- Implement google backend for MTZNTAMT-8Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-8Former user
- ReactJS frontend for editing translationsZNTAMT-7
- Data model to support translations updateZNTAMT-6
- REST API to update translationsZNTAMT-5Former user
- User managementZNTAMT-4Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-4Former user
- DEV mode for MT serviceZNTAMT-2Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-2Former user
- ZanataMT - Ability to update translations served by MT (Portal)ZNTAMT-1
- ZanataMT - fine grained locking - based on doc url and localeZNTAMT-3Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-3Former user
46 of 46
Simplify/Restructure Hibernate Model
Former user
Former user(Deactivated)Sprint

More fields
More fields
Created 5 September 2018 at 21:48
Updated 10 September 2018 at 07:34
loveneet s10 September 2018 at 07:34
There are few improvements that can be made in the current DB model
1) Change to 1-to-1 relationship of tf and tft (tft contains backendId which suggest we might need to have one-to-many still)
2) Removal of locale field from tf and tft
3) Do we need Doc as the parent/wrapper of tf and tft?
The idea for Doc as the wrapper for a list of textflow was to keep track of the request count (reuse of translations) of a page. But the request count stats be retrieved via CP stats. We should put the reuse count under TF for more accurate statistics. If we remove Doc from the model, the locale field will need to remain in TF and TFT.