- Simplify/Restructure Hibernate ModelZNTAMT-59
- UI implementation for MT editorZNTAMT-58Former user
- Internal server error (500) when the backend failsZNTAMT-57
- Suspected memory leak in PersistentTranslationService/GoogleTranslatorBackendZNTAMT-56Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-56Sean Flanigan
- Eliminate EJB usageZNTAMT-55Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-55
- Support null media type in TypeString (auto-detect XML/HTML/TXT)ZNTAMT-52
- Use recursive algorithm for HTML/XML nodes in MTZNTAMT-53
- Concurrent request on same content slows down response timeZNTAMT-51
- Increase font size in masterZNTAMT-49Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-49Former user
- UI mockups for MT editorZNTAMT-48Former user
- Basic editor for MTZNTAMT-47
- Handle XML link tagsZNTAMT-46Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-46Sean Flanigan
- Blank content breaks Machine Translation mergeZNTAMT-44Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-44
- MT should accept locale aliases (eg de-de) for translation requestsZNTAMT-42Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-42
- REST: Add BackendResource.getAttributionText(backendId) for use in Zanata's revisionCommentsZNTAMT-40
- Custom change log causes exception in prodZNTAMT-39Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-39
- Use explicit version in Managed PlatformZNTAMT-38Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-38Former user
- Combine the gitlab repo with github repoZNTAMT-37
- Track number of strings, words and characters sent for translationZNTAMT-36Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-36Former user
- Upgrade MS translators to V3ZNTAMT-35
- Setup centralized logging for MT serverZNTAMT-33Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-33Former user
- duplicate key value violation exceptionZNTAMT-32Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-32Former user
- Migrate MT to external network appZNTAMT-30Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-30Former user
- Allow 'fuzzy' access to Magpie translation cacheZNTAMT-29
- Smarter default for back-endZNTAMT-26
- Failed to build with Pipeline: Supporting APIs v 2.18ZNTAMT-25Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-25Ding-Yi Chen
- Document release processZNTAMT-24Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-24
- Migration to Managed PaaSZNTAMT-23Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-23Former user
- Initial password is not distributed in the clusterZNTAMT-22Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-22Former user
- Use open paas for PR testingZNTAMT-21Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-21Former user
- Allow user to specify default backend as propertyZNTAMT-20Former user
- Run liquibase as mid life cycle eventZNTAMT-19
- Failed to download postgre because of curl exit 28 (timeout)ZNTAMT-18Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-18Ding-Yi Chen
- Use latest release +1 as new version instead of using Jenkins build numberZNTAMT-17Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-17Ding-Yi Chen
- Set up frontend buildZNTAMT-16Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-16Former user
- admin user can create service accountZNTAMT-15Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-15Former user
- Create User table and concept of admin usersZNTAMT-14Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-14Former user
- User should not be redirected back to 404 or error page after successful sign inZNTAMT-13Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-13
- Implement google backend for MTZNTAMT-8Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-8Former user
- ReactJS frontend for editing translationsZNTAMT-7
- Data model to support translations updateZNTAMT-6
- REST API to update translationsZNTAMT-5Former user
- User managementZNTAMT-4Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-4Former user
- DEV mode for MT serviceZNTAMT-2Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-2Former user
- ZanataMT - Ability to update translations served by MT (Portal)ZNTAMT-1
- ZanataMT - fine grained locking - based on doc url and localeZNTAMT-3Resolved issue: ZNTAMT-3Former user
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