- Progressively degrading performance saving MT to databaseZNTA-2730Resolved issue: ZNTA-2730
- Poor MT performance with large documentsZNTA-2721Resolved issue: ZNTA-2721Former user
- Support clustered deployment for Zanata PlatformZNTA-2276
- Configure async logging for better performance in productionZNTA-1775
- Update ocpsoft rewrite-servlet (3.4.1.Final)ZNTA-1728Resolved issue: ZNTA-1728Sean Flanigan
- Piwik insertion code is outdated, slows page loadingZNTA-1386Resolved issue: ZNTA-1386Sean Flanigan
- Transaction aborted uploading POT file larger than 2MBZNTA-1362Resolved issue: ZNTA-1362
- Memory leak causing OOM error in idle serverZNTA-1358Resolved issue: ZNTA-1358Sean Flanigan
- Memory leak/stability testZNTA-1356Resolved issue: ZNTA-1356Former user
- Optimise the worst 5 SQL queries from productionZNTA-1292
- Significant performance issue in copy versionZNTA-1122Resolved issue: ZNTA-1122Former user
- Data model refactoringZNTA-1014
- Improve statistics' gathering mechanismZNTA-1012
- CDI performance testingZNTA-935Resolved issue: ZNTA-935Former user
- React-ify the language/documents lists for projects/groupsZNTA-893
- Performance tests for REST in JenkinsZNTA-892Resolved issue: ZNTA-892Former user
- Zanata UI gets really sluggish on long translated stringsZNTA-847Resolved issue: ZNTA-847
- TransactionReaper::check timeout exception on large glossary uploadZNTA-706Resolved issue: ZNTA-706
- Too many concurrent long-running database operations hang the serverZNTA-541Former user
- UI waits unnecessarily for stats before displaying other infoZNTA-527Resolved issue: ZNTA-527Former user
- RFE: Improve statistics performance.ZNTA-372Resolved issue: ZNTA-372
- It takes > 30 seconds to enable syntax highlighting on a full pageZNTA-368Resolved issue: ZNTA-368Former user
- Project-wide search and replace fails when it has a large number of text flowsZNTA-305
- Investigate options to expose performance/activity data remotelyZNTA-163Resolved issue: ZNTA-163
- Integrate console, including Infinispan pluginZNTA-148Resolved issue: ZNTA-148
- RFE: As a sysadmin I want file upload parts to be stored outside the database so that database performance is not negatively impactedZNTA-145Resolved issue: ZNTA-145
- Ship JS/GWT error messages to the server to be loggedZNTA-94Resolved issue: ZNTA-94
- RFE: source document upload should be batchedZNTA-77Resolved issue: ZNTA-77
- running very slow, producting lots of errorsZNTA-48Resolved issue: ZNTA-48
29 of 29
Progressively degrading performance saving MT to database
Ready for Release
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Created 31 July 2018 at 03:16
Updated 10 August 2018 at 01:43
Resolved 8 August 2018 at 00:16
Former user31 July 2018 at 08:20Edited
An "entityManager.clear();" at the end of MachineTranslationServiceImpl#saveTranslationsInBatches seems to work, cutting the increasing cycle from 10+ seconds to 1.5, but breaks when adding attribution at
MachineTranslationServiceImpl#prefillProjectVersionWithMachineTranslation entityManager.merge(doc);
It seems there is a refresh or reload required somewhere, but I don't know where.
Further to this, adding attribution as a new transaction after the first has completed seems risky. If the transaction fails, perhaps being a large transaction based on doc size, there may be a lot of unattributed translations.
MT performance seems to worsen the longer it continues, for larger documents.
The time it takes to process the translations in a (Hibernate?) request at org.zanata.service.impl.TranslationServiceImpl#translate(...) seems to increase from 500~1000 every use, suggesting there's a cache or leak in this area.
The debugging shows:
02:53:44,330 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Starting batch 0-1000 02:53:44,336 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Sending batch 0-1000 02:53:46,993 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Received response [1000] (2654) 02:53:46,993 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Saving in a batch 02:53:46,993 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Saving batch 0-100 02:53:46,993 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Transaction... 02:53:46,996 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Creating save requests... 02:53:49,518 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done creating (2522) 02:53:49,519 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Committing translations... 02:53:49,599 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Processing translations... 02:53:56,063 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done processing (6463) 02:53:56,141 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done committing translations. 02:53:56,510 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done transaction 100-100(9517) 02:53:56,510 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Saving batch 100-200 02:53:56,510 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Transaction... 02:53:56,511 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Creating save requests... 02:53:59,692 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done creating (3180) 02:53:59,692 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Committing translations... 02:53:59,694 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Processing translations... 02:54:06,895 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done processing (7201) 02:54:06,897 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done committing translations. 02:54:07,005 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done transaction 200-200(10495) 02:54:07,005 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Saving batch 200-300 02:54:07,005 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Transaction... 02:54:07,005 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Creating save requests... 02:54:10,214 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done creating (3209) 02:54:10,214 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Committing translations... 02:54:10,216 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Processing translations... 02:54:18,078 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done processing (7862) 02:54:18,079 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done committing translations. 02:54:18,236 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done transaction 300-300(11231) 02:54:18,236 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Saving batch 300-400 02:54:18,236 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Transaction... 02:54:18,237 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Creating save requests... 02:54:21,858 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done creating (3621) 02:54:21,858 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Committing translations... 02:54:21,860 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Processing translations... 02:54:31,698 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done processing (9838) 02:54:31,700 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done committing translations. 02:54:31,934 INFO [stdout] (pool-11-thread-1) Done transaction 400-400(13698)
Explanation: (^^ means return to)
Sending batch 0-1000 sending a batch of 1000 textflows to MT provider
Received response [ batch size] (time) time taken to receive the result
Saving in a batch immediately before the batch loop
Saving batch x-y immediately before sublist
Transaction... immediately before try { ->
Creating save requests... before process loop
Done creating (time) time taken to create the list of TransUnitUpdateRequest
org.zanata.service.impl.MachineTranslationServiceImpl#saveTranslationsInBatches ^^
Committing translations... immediately before translationService.translate(targetLocale.getLocaleId(), updateRequests);
org.zanata.service.impl.TranslationServiceImpl#translate(org.zanata.common.LocaleId, java.util.List<org.zanata.webtrans.shared.model.TransUnitUpdateRequest>, boolean)
Processing translations... before for (TransUnitUpdateRequest request : translationRequests) {
Done processing (time) time taken to process the requests in loop
org.zanata.service.impl.MachineTranslationServiceImpl#saveTranslationsInBatches ^^
Done committing translations. immediately after translationService.translate
Done transaction 100-100(time) loop iteration finished
Done batches all results processed