- Using Xliff notes instead of context groupZNTA-2562
- [Rest API] Enable/disable a locale for a project/a project versionZNTA-2484
- CLI ability to specify if Zanata brings only approved or also includes translatedZNTA-2437Resolved issue: ZNTA-2437Sean Flanigan
- Rate limiter should allow weights for different callsZNTA-2192
- Migrate GWT-RPC services to RESTZNTA-1701
- Investigate Enunciate's JS support for use in frontendZNTA-1692Resolved issue: ZNTA-1692
- Push and pull legacy projects via file endpointZNTA-1302
- Create REST endpoint which streams files for any type of project or documentZNTA-1250
- Rest endpoint broken for alpha editorZNTA-1120Resolved issue: ZNTA-1120Former user
- Overhaul Zanata REST APIZNTA-1031
- Some projects won't respond to rest API ../rest/stats/proj/%s/iter/%s?word=trueZNTA-968Resolved issue: ZNTA-968
- Allow a document display name to be providedZNTA-943
- Execute tests in JenkinsZNTA-900Resolved issue: ZNTA-900Former user
- Create performance tests (GET)ZNTA-899Resolved issue: ZNTA-899Former user
- Variable terms in REST URLs (version,iteration,iter,i)ZNTA-898
- Documentation for REST /tm endpoint poorZNTA-897Resolved issue: ZNTA-897Former user
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Hash 1G9N6RB
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Dragos Varovici1 June 2018 at 14:50
Sean Flanigan1 June 2018 at 01:27
Hi @Dragos Varovici
Yes, unfortunately Zanata's XLIFF support is quite ad hoc, and essentially specific to the XLIFF subset used by the spacewalk-frontend project (apparently XLIFF 1.1).
SimpleComment was somewhere to store context-group in Zanata, rather than the other way around. Note that Zanata currently has no UI for editing or creating SimpleComments which are attached to source TextFlows.
We implemented that XLIFF support before we added integration with the Okapi project, which provides a much better solution for things like this.
Adding XLIFF 1.2 support via Okapi sounds like a good idea. Our existing integrations all extend org.zanata.adapter.OkapiFilterAdapter if you want to take a look.
Dragos Varovici21 May 2018 at 23:22 - Free, Open-Source Solution for Continuous Localization by Evernote
Dragos Varovici21 May 2018 at 23:21 - The Okapi Framework is a cross-platform and free open-source set of components and applications that offer extensive support for localizing and translating documentation and software.
Do not need to edit comments in Zanata. Only to pass them to Zanata.