Make React editor the default
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Former user 20 April 2018 at 00:23
We are closing all the old issues to have more clarity in our backlog for Zanata project. Feel free to re-open or leave a comment if you require our attention on your Jira.

Oytun Tez 10 May 2017 at 21:38
Perfect, will be following, thank you!

Former user 10 May 2017 at 21:37
@Oytun Tez
We are in the process of working on the subtask under this epic.

Oytun Tez 10 May 2017 at 20:14
Hi team,
This epic looks deserted, are you planning to work on this?

Sean Flanigan 15 September 2016 at 02:23
There are currently 18 old open issues listed on GitHub Issues for the new editor:
@Former user Could you please make sure those items have been captured in JIRA, unless they are no longer needed? Then we should turn off github issues via to avoid further confusion.



Epic Name
React Editor Default
More fields
Time tracking
More fields
Time trackingCreated 28 July 2015 at 22:52
Updated 26 July 2018 at 03:01
When the new editor has all the crucial features implemented, it should be made the default editor opened when editing translations for a document.
An option should be provided to switch to the old editor until the new editor covers every use-case covered by the old editor.
Here is an initial list of features that have not yet been implemented in the new editor. Some of these already have bugzilla entries, for the rest I will create them. I will add them as blockers under this epic.
Crucial features. Implement before the switch
Show current workspace info as title of browser tab (ZNTA-58).
Multiple-field search to filter text flows (ZNTA-105).
Highlight matching words in text flows (ZNTA-68). - no design, use highlight class in Editor
Add activity panel (for comments, history, etc.) (ZNTA-92)
Design/storybook: (ZNTA-1732) .
Backend: (ZNTA-2297)
Text flow history (in activity panel)
Design/storybook: (ZNTA-53).
Backend: (ZNTA-2298)
Translation comments (in activity panel) (ZNTA-102).
Design/storybook: (ZNTA-1732)
Backend: (ZNTA-2299)
TM match details panel (ZNTA-61).
TM suggestions search for Phrase,Fuzzy,Lucene (ZNTA-1789)
TM suggestions highlight mode (default mode when diff turned off) (ZNTA-110). - no design, use highlight class in Editor
Live validations (ZNTA-75).
Replace GWT Java Validators with Typescript module(ZNTA-2587)
Validation Options for Editor sidebar backend (ZNTA-2425).
Validations Editor Frontend Component and Storybook (ZNTA-2519)
Concurrent save conflict resolution
Design/storybook: (ZNTA-38).
Backend: (ZNTA-2300)
Review: (ZNTA-2318)
Search and Replace
Design/storybook: (ZNTA-2075)
Search and Replace button (ZNTA-2080)
Backend: (ZNTA-2301)
Editor Options
Design/storybook: (ZNTA-1927)
Backend: (ZNTA-2302)
Notification log (ZNTA-2076)
Translation permalinks (ZNTA-2078)
Notifications (ZNTA-2077)
live text updates (ZNTA-1050)
Permissions (ZNTA-2380)
Redirect to Login Page (ZNTA-2489)
Documentation (ZNTA-2579)
Feature we may want to implement before the switch
See epic
# Show reference translations from another language
Improved "Undo". Undo is available in the new editor, but only until the next save. In the old editor, undo is available as long as there is a previous version to revert to.
TM merge (replace with auto-fill). ie. TM Autofill (ZNTA-1864) Before this is implemented, translators would still be able to run TM merge in the old editor. This may be too much of an annoyance though. Instant-TM may also offset the need for this.
Phrase (exact) search. Fuzzy search should rank exact matches at the top anyway, so exact-only search does not seem crucial.
Concurrent editing information (which users are working on which strings, are they typing, etc.)
Translation History comparison feature
Features to implement to cover all use-cases
See epic
Can implement these after the switch.
Allow multi-field search to be saved as personal filters.
Advanced search dropdown
Replacement for project-wide search & replace:
Allow multiple-document selection for editing
Allow "replace" in searches that include text
Add text flow details panel for TM match details (extra level of detail, not available in old editor).
Instant TM (entered translations available immediately as TM matches, TM matches pre-fetched so they show up instantly when a row is selected).
Glossary (inline definitions of words, with option to open panel)
Improve validations so errors are shown in the string